Chapter 13 - I like You

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After I got clothes for us which was unecessary, we decided to eat when my stomach grumbled loudly while looking at a donut sweatshirt.

"How about there?" I pointed at some random korean restaurant. He nodded and walked in.

We stepped inside the restaurant and the smell of food hit my nose made me roll my eyes in pleasure. "Stop that! I'm going to order okay? Go find uhs a seat." Yoogi giggled. Dammit I looked stupid infront of him again.

I found us a seat with less people around us, It was right next to the window. I looked outside and admired the morning light hitting the beautiful city.

"Maam" A waiter said cutting me ofd my thoughts, I looked at him. He was accompanied by two other waiters holding a tray filled with food. Each one of them had one.

Yoongi then came following the waiters. "Put it here." He said and tbe waiters lays down the food infront of us. I looked at Yoongi with my mouth opened. "This is alot" I said poking the rice bowl with my chopsticks. "You don't want it? I'll eat it" He said, grabbing my rice bowl. I held my ricebowl tight not wanting to let go. He looked at me confused. "No~ I want to eat" I whined at him ad he gave up the rice bowls. We started eating.

After eating everything he ordered, mt stomach was bloated and so was his. The food was great! I've never eaten like that in my whole life! We walked around the mall resting a little too. Then he asked me if I wanted to go to the arcade. I nodded and answered; "Sure, let's go" 

We rode the elevator to the first floor of the mall where the arcade was. We made it in and started playing games. He won alot of times against me. I never played in the arcade this long before. I wasn't allowed to.

"Hey, let's make a bet." He suggested out of nowhere.

"Game. Okay, If I win… You do everything I want for one week" I said confident that i'll win against him ro whatever the game would be.

"And if I win...."he said, looking at me and smirking mischieviously. "If you win?" I gulped. Suddenly, I was extremely nervous.

"You'll be my girlfriend for a week, deal!" He said and immediately shook my hand.

"Wha- but I didn't even agree yet!" I said to him.

Why does he want me to be his girlfriend?

"Sorry. You shook the hand so it's a deal." He said ad pulled me to a game. I looked up and saw…

"Basketball!?" I exclaimed. I mever really play basketball. I don'y even know how to dribble a ball! I'll lose this bet for sure!

"Yeah." He said and inserted coins on the machine and the game started. The game just started but im already loosing. I was just like a person throwing shit around the room.

"Uwa~ Im winning!" He exclaimed in my ears.  The game ended with me shouting extremely loud, louder than I expected myself to. People around us looked.

"No! This game is broken!" I shouted at him and the machine.

"Sorry babe you loose" he smirked at me. Right now, I just want to slap that face, but no. I couldn't. I even blushed!

"Yay? Im your girlfriend!" I tried to act all excited but the sarcasm in my voice was obviously heard.

"Aw~ lets go. You will live in our dorm" he said. What!? Dorm!? With them!? Why!? That's crazy!

"What? What about my house?" I asked him. "So what? You have maids." He answered. Oh right we have maids. I know but I can't just leave it like that!

"How 'bout my clothes?" I asked him again. He rolled his eyes, obviously he was frustrated at my never-ending questions. "We'll stop at your house first then" he said and pulled my hand we ran and got inside the car. I sat onthe passengers seat again. He looked at me and gave me a sly smile. He went closer to, my breath hitched as I thought he was going to do something or maybte it's just met and my dirty thoughts. He chuckled amd pulled my seatbelt on like some cliche scenes on a romantic movie. I chuckled awkwardly unsure of what I was feeling, it was a feeling of pleasure and butterflies going crazy inside my stomach. I was confused. He started driving after my awkward reaction.

The car ride was quiet, I didn't want to talk. I felt embarassed because of what I gave as a reaction. Good thing was it took less time to get home. There was no traffic.

I quickly made my wayo out of his car and ran directly inside the house knowing that he was following me I locked the door of my room. I took my luggge out and staruted throwing clothes inside. I didn't know their lifestyle so I went with my gucci.

I was picking underwears when someone suddenly pushed  the door open causing me scream and to slam my underwears inside the luggage and look at the door, breathing nervously.

It was Yoongi. How thefuck did he open the door? It was locked. He looked at me with a confused did I do something wrong? Face. "How did you open the door? It was locked?" I asked him still trying to hide my underwear."Uh 'cause it wasn't pushed through?" He looked like it was something even a baby would know.

He sat on my bed, so I pulled my luggage facing away from him. Silence fell inside the room. I don't know if it was because no one knows what to say or nobody has to say anything. A question passed by my head.

"Yoongi, why did you want me to be your girlfriend for a week" I asked him, he sat up upon hearing the question. His eyes went wide and hi ears became bright red just like his cheeks.

He looks around went closer and closer to me. "Lets make this quick" he said my eyes widens, nervous of what he is planning. I forgot to breath.

"Wh-what?" I stuttered, my palms started sweating. He came more closer and closer. I shut my eyes closed. I opened my eyes when I heard him chuckle.

"Wh- what are you doing?" I said to him, more nervous that I was earlier. His face was 2 inches away from mine.

"Jinhee... I-i..." He trailed off, looking directly at my eyes.

"You what?" I asked him. Impatient with what he's going to say.

"Jinhee I like you.."

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