chapter 5: no place in my heart

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last time:- 

"Listen, princess, what I did was wrong and disrespectful so is it alright if we forgot it ever happened?"

'what? why would I do that Paul? I too love you and always have'

"Alright then we never have ever kissed I still haven't had my first kiss and we don't have any feeling for each other. is that better?" you ran to your room locked the door and started crying

'so does he love me? and why would he ever say that? did he jut want to break my heart? or did he really love me?'

back to the story:-

you woke up with your eyes puffy red, pillow full of tears and a big blanket covering you. you were thinking why? why would he kiss you if he had no feelings? Marian woke you up so you can meet up with that jerk. which you didn't want to go to but she made you go for your own sake   

"do you have everything you need?"

"yes, I have the cape, a backup cape, a water sack, 20 golden coins for the road, 10 extra, a bag, and some food" you reply 'but I lost my most precious thing, my heart, the thing I cherished the most is the thing that hurt the most'

"Alright be careful, stay safe, and come home before nightfall"

"Alright goodbye " 


you rented a horse and went on your journey when you saw Paul with someone in the woods. you went off your horse and tried to listen in but you were too late and they left in separate went back on the horse and continued on.

you kept thinking 'who was that? a male a female? someone from the servants ?' and before you knew it you arrived at the marketplace. 

the place was crowded and loud but it had things you have never seen or heard of before. you place your horse with a horse keeper and go on looking for something to eat since you ate everything on your way here. when you felt a tap on your shoulder.

"see anything you like?"

you walked off when he came after you but it was so crowded that he lost you. you got and sit on a bench on then side when you hear.

"and where do you think you going"

"please sir leave me alone"

"ya sure but then how would you pay off your debt?"

you look at him.

" Oh it's you"

"now come with me"

"and where are you going?"

"well I want to get to know you better miss so today me and you will walk around the marketplace if you don't mind"


you start walking when you realize that you and the guy look suspicious since you both are wearing caps hiding your faces. so you ask

"hey, why are you wearing a cape?"

"I have a high reputaion and I dont want to ruin our date "

"this is not a date"

"what why? we are two people going out right?"

"ya but we are not dating each other and there is no way in hell I would date someone like you no offense"

"and why is that?"

"for one your too agent like your some kind of king or something and I for one dislike people like that"

"who said I wasn't?"

"who said you were? lets say you were a king you would be the worst"

"Ok that's enough I get it" he starts laughing " your an honest one aren't you, but what about you? why do you hide your face?"

"why should I tell a perfect stranger?"

"Oh, so this is how it is?" he starts laughing 

"so what is my job exactly ?"

"well as I told you I am an important person and I need an attendant"

"me? an attendant? but why?"

"I don't know but you seem to have that 'wise' ora"

 "so what would you want me to do?"

" you will take care of my skedule, and meeting, and parties, and my relations"




he laughed "don't worry you will be taught by another attendant"

"Oh well I guess I can"

"good hey I never asked what's your name?"

"my name?"


"my name is Maria Lane"

"Nice to meet you Maria my name is Louise and starting from tomorrow you shall be my attendant meet me at the castle at 9 in the morning and if the guards stop you tell them that I told you: - a spoon of sugar in a tea cup doesn't always make it any sweeter "


you shake hands and take the horse out and ride it home. you arrived at midnight my accident. you went in the house when Marian jumped and hugged you

"so what happened ?"

"I am an attendant"

"a what?"

"an attendant is someone wh-"

"I know what an attendant is but you an attendant? who is that guy anyway?"

"well he's name is Louise and he is an important person"

"I don't know he seems suspicious"

"well I guess we will have to wait and see"

"I guess we will"

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 23, 2017 ⏰

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