Taming the beast

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"Like what?" I replied confused.

"Like having a child with me that I can actually raise is the most worst and disgusting thing you've ever heard?"

I baulked "What? Are you serious with me right now?" I whispered.

"Forget I mentioned it." He grunted sticking the bottle in his mouth and walking away leaving me with questions that I needed answers for!

" He grunted sticking the bottle in his mouth and walking away leaving me with questions that I needed answers for!

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It had been almost 3 hours since the baby boom chat in the kitchen. And since then Zak has avoided being alone with me at all costs. Even speaking to some clear bible bashing christians that his mom worked with. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against religion or beliefs, but some people push it onto you so much, that it could fry your brain.

A part of me wanted to go home, but seeing Avari with her cousins caused my heart to swell up as she giggled with them. I never thought I would see her so carefree and happy.

Standing up from my seat, I attempted to head for the kitchen when I got swooped up by Aaron.

"Why aren't you dancing?" He asked holding me close to him as we moved between people.

I laughed "You cannot salsa."

"I think I'm pretty convincing, plus the lady behind me keeps trying to grab my butt. Help me." He whispered causing me to laugh and hold him a little tighter.

"You're a funny man Mr Goodwin."

"I know right? I'm underrated. Say, you never answered my question..."

I stepped in Aaron's precious step to keep us moving around the patio which had been turned into a dance floor amongst the music and people.

"Oh he's in a mood. Panties in a wad."

Aaron looked over at Zak "I see.. Explains why he is talking to half the people he can't stand."

"Hmm.. He would rather talk to them than me." I replied disappointed.

"Hey, no. I didn't mean it like that."

"It's okay, I know what you meant.. I still can't help it though."

"Can I ask what it's about?" Aaron wondered.

"You really don't want to know.." I mumbled.

"I'm gonna say babies." He guessed almost making me fall over.

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