The new feel

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A soft knock came on the bedroom door making me look up from the book I was reading. I'd found it in Zak's draw, unintentionally snooping.

Okay you can't unintentionally snoop... But I looking for a pen. And under the vast majority of magnum condoms, I found this.

"Ready?" Zak asked.

"Avari?" I questioned.

He pointed to the window showing her to be outside with a bubble wand. I frowned "Cece dropped off some things, Gracie likes bubbles too." He answered.

It was true, as Avari waved the wand, a large bubble would bounce through the air and Gracie would run to pop it with her nose or teeth.

"Holly?" I asked.


He came in pushing the door too slightly "Let's go then." He spoke standing straight.

I rolled my neck and got up off the bed to stand in front of him. "You ever... and I mean ever pull that again-"

"You'll what? You only wanted to take her because of Holly, because you don't get on with her. You know that was a pretty selfish move. Even for you."

I ground my teeth together "You have no idea what she's like!"

"Clearly! But you won't enlighten me on that either! You will happily slag her off but as for helping me understand? Still in the dark!" He threw his hands out.

I shook my head looking to Avari, "She is bad news."

"Like I said.." He sighed.

"So I made a call then, because I know how toxic Jessica rabbit really is, and you decided to declare ownership of my daughter. That doesn't happen." I growled.

"She needs to stay safe Lett-"

"Don't call me that!" I shouted.

"Why? Why cause it takes you back? Huh? Take you back to the past? What are you trying to forget Scar?"

I swallowed the lump I felt "It's nothing."

"Clearly it is. Who is it? Nick?"

I clenched my jaw "Don't.."

"Does he know about her?" He asked pointing to Avari.

"Why would he?"

"He's her dad... Isn't he?"

I laughed. "Oh good god no!"

"Then why can't I call you Lettie?"

"Because you can't. I'm called Scarlett. You don't want me calling you Harry do you? Or maybe Zakky." I replied feeling the distaste.

"You wouldn't because even you hate the name." He replied with a smirk.

"The point is, she is my child Zak."

"And you've came to me for help. I'm doing that, I'm keeping her here until we have whatever the hell is attached to her, gone. Now you can sulk, stay in here and hide like you have for the past 2 hours or you can pull yourself together, be a parent and put your child first!"

His hand caught my wrist mid-swing for his face.

"Don't you ever question my parenting! Not when you can't commit to a single fucking thing in your life!" I spat.

"You don't start laying into people because you can't handle truths. You certainly don't do it in their homes. Sort it out Scarlett."

My lip quivered at how he grounded my name out in anger.

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