A change

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I scrunched my toes into the sand in joy feeling the sun soaking into my skin. The sound of the waves crashing onto the shore felt like natures lullaby, soothing me into peace and tranquility.

The sun was setting in the sky, casting its pinks and orange hues across the sky and into the deep blue ocean which rippled with silver tipped waves occasionally.

Feeling a tug, I looked down to see Gracie, her tail wagged slowly as she looked ahead of us. "Gracie?" I questioned making her head snap up to me.

The big brown eyes held excitement, on cue she sat and waited for me to remove her leash. Complying, I did and watched as she bolted across the sand towards the two figures in the distance.

I narrowed my eyes working out the height difference, a small body and a large body. A child and a man.

"Avari? Zak?" I asked stepping forward. "Zak?! Avari?!" I called ahead waving my hand in a hope that they would turn.

But they hadn't and when I looked at my hands, I realised I didn't hold a dog leash anymore, I broke into a run only to look back and see no footprints.

I stopped, panting I lifted my foot inspecting the sole which was dry, the sand was damp, almost wet. It would have given me a footprint...

"I don't understand."

"Zak?!!" I shouted for some support, answers, hope that he would know what was happening. Where were we?! Why didn't I have footprints?!

They had them! Gracie had them too but what about mine?!

A loud buzz filled my ears causing me to grip my head in pain. I doubled over crying out when the pain filled my body causing me to fall into the sand.

"A-Avari!" I screamed watching their retreating figures in the distance.

I lifted my hand out trying to reach them but it fell and the sky fell landing on me.


My eyes sprung apart as pain soared through my body causing a scream to fill the air.

"SCARLETT!" Zak yelled filling my view. "GIVE HER SOMETHING DAMMIT!"

His hands grabbed my face making me look at him as nurses hurried around the room. "I'm here, Lettie I'm right here. Don't you go anywhere okay? You're gonna stay awake because I'm scared right now and I need you to calm me down."

"MY LEG!" I cried grabbing hold of his arm as the pain got worse.

"I know sweetie, I know but keep looking at me cause right now is not a good time! Okay?! Yo-you're gonna be fine. Aaron has Avari, she's okay."

"M-make it stop!" I sobbed causing his face to flood with pain.

"I'm trying Lett. H-here look, look take this. This will help okay?" He asked as I was giving pain gas.

I sucked on it hard looking at Zak, nodding with him but still clenching his arm.

"Don't leave me!"

"I won't, I won't go anywhere without you! Just keep taking that." He instructed brushing my hair back looking at his hand in worry.

"It's not a lot, just a little blood okay? You're gonna be out in no time. C-cause I need you to come help me. Don't I?" He asked.

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