New Beginning

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"I got this." Zak insisted picking up the black refuse bags and marker pens.

"I mean it, don't throw anything until I've looked at it."

"I won't." He grinned.

Looking at Aaron I folded my arms. "Oh no. Please don't.. Scarlett, stop." He begged as I lifted my brow.

"Aaron..." I drew out making him stamp his foot.

"Yes?" He asked softly.

"Make sure Zak doesn't throw anything out.. Please?" I batted my lashes at him.

"I- bu-"


"Okay dammit fine! Damn women!" He grumbled walking off whilst Bacon and Zak laughed.


"Oh hell, anything you want." He submitted making Zak side punch him.

"Bro! She hardly spoke!"

"I know man but.. She's a damsel in distress and you know I'm all for that hero shit. Plus she's hot." He smirked as I grinned.

"Oi, that's enough. We are leaving." Zak emphasised glaring Bacon out the room whilst I giggled.

"Can you clear my panties draw?"

Zak's face went from sour to triumphant. "Damn straight!"

"Good. Well go, behave. Remember Cece is getting Avari."

"Yep. I confirmed it with the school, I had to email them a photo." He frowned.

"It's for safety reasons. Trust me, I picked the best."

"I know, it's like a military operation in that place. Right, I'm going. Sit there, behave and I'll be back soon."


"Okay." He nodded pocketing his phone "Need anything you ring me okay."


"No cleaning."


"No stairs."

"Yes Zak."

"No washing."


"You love me."

"Yes..." I paused from my mental eye rolling. "Hey!"

He ran out the room laughing as I grabbed a cushion to throw.

"That's not fair! It doesn't count, you tricked me!" I called after him.

"I will sort that load of washing when I get back! Relax!" He called one last time before the door closed.

"While Zak's away..." I trailed off looking at Gracie.

" I trailed off looking at Gracie

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