Chapter 6

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Killian runs upstairs and it baffles him, that he doesn't fall down the stairs at that pace. But he doesn't want to slow down since he's desperate to check on his Swan. He can feel it in his heart, that she's upset about their fight. She's just too stubborn to admit it to anyone. Even towards herself.

As soon as Killian reaches their bedroom, he knocks on the door.

Killian: "Swan?"

He's knows there's a good chance, that she might just ignore him and that's okay, but it doesn't stop him from trying. He'd never give up on her.

Emma: "Go away!"

Killian: "Don't be mad at me. Please? I was just trying to help you."

Emma: "Well you weren't helping though..."

Killian: "Then im sorry...please let me in, Swan. We can fix this. Together."

Emma: "I told you I don't-"

Killian: "I know you don't need fixing, but it wouldn't hurt either. You just have to trust me."

Emma stares at the doorknob and discusses whether she should open it or not. In the end she does open the door, but only enough to stick her head out of it to look at Killian.

Emma: "You know I trust you..."

Killian: "But?"

Emma: "And I also know, that you always want what's best for me, so I'm sorry, that I snapped at you."

Killian: "Are you saying, that you're forgiving me?"

Emma opens the door completely to let Killian inside their bedroom. She closes the door again behind him and they both sit down on the bed.

Emma: "Yeah. I am. Honestly I don't think, that I could ever be mad at you. I love you. And you're also right about my parents. I do love them, but that doesn't mean, that I'm ready to forgive them yet."

She smiles at him, but he can see in her eyes, that she's upset, so he pulls her to him and hugs her tightly, placing small kisses on her forehead.

Killian: "They love you too and I'm certain, that they'll wait for you. Everything's going to be alright, Swan."

Emma chuckles softly, which causes Killian to slowly pull away to look at her. He's raising his eyebrow.

Killian: "What's so funny?"

Emma: "Nothing. It's've become such an optimist. It still surprises me sometimes."

Killian: "That I did, love. Because of you."

He put his hand on her cheek and looked deeply into her eyes, both of them smiling like it's a contest.

Killian: "After my brother died I turned into a person, that was empty. I didn't believe in anything and I was broken, but you fixed me. You showed me, that a heart full of love is the most precious treasure of all. You made me believe in positive things again. You're the light to my darkness."

Emma: "We all have darkness inside us."

Killian: "Maybe, but I was still darker than most people."

Emma: "Well all that counts is, that you're not dark anymore. You're good. A hero. So you're just as much my light as I'm yours."

They kissed softly and as they pulled away they said "I love you" at exactly the same time, which caused them both to giggle.

Killian: "We're so in sync."

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