Chapter 3

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Later that day Emma and Killian were sitting on their couch.

Henry had long gone to sleep since he wants to be alone. The loss of his mother is very hard on him.

Half an hour ago Granny had returned Melanie, who was staying with Emma and Killian since Robert stayed with Allison at the hospital. She isn't in the mental condition to be left alone right now.

But since the baby is also asleep the two of them are basically alone, having a relaxing late evening for once in their lives.

Emma: "How long do you think will it last until another villain decides to come to Storybrooke?"

Killian: "I have no idea. Hopefully never, but that's very unlikely. It's Storybrooke after all."

Emma: "Sadly yes."

Emma then leaned her head onto Killian's shoulder, snuggling into his side. He gave her a small kiss on the forehead and they sat like that for quite a while, just enjoying each other's company. They didn't need words to communicate. They were open books to each other, but eventually Emma broke the silence, seeking comfort from her boyfriend.

Emma: "I told her about Cruella."

Killian: "How did she react? Is everything okay between you guys?"

Emma: "I guess so. She didn't really say much after...or before for that matter. She's upset about Regina. I tried to make her feel better about herself, but I don't think it worked."

Killian: "It'll take her a little to accept everything. She's obviously blaming herself. Maybe I should talk to her...earlier today, before everything happened she told me, that it doesn't matter what I did in the past. All that matters is the here and now...maybe she should accept her own advice for herself."

Emma looked up at her boyfriend and raised her eyebrow. There is a small smile at the corner of her lips. She's very happy about Killian bonding with her family.

Emma: "You chatted? About what?"

Killian: "Well about you actually, my love. It's something me and your sister have in common...we both love you."

They both smiled at each other.

Emma: "I love you too."

They kissed slowly and then returned to their previous snuggled up position, continuing to relax on the couch until the baby started crying from upstairs.

Emma: "I guess someone woke up. I'll be back in a minute."

Emma stood up and while she did she gave Killian a sweet kiss on the cheek. Then she went upstairs into the guest room, in which Cameron, Chase and Melanie were staying.

The crying got even louder when Emma opened the door, so she quickly approached the crib, looking down at her niece with a faint smile on her face before picking her up.

Emma: "Shhh. Shh. Everything's alright."

Emma's voice was really soft and she gave the baby kisses on the head from time to time, trying to soothe her. Melanie didn't stop crying though, which made Emma wish that Allison was here. Maybe she'd get her to calm down.

Then Emma had an idea though. When she was in Chicago with Killian and Chase, Ally had given the baby to her and Killian while she talked to her boyfriend. Melanie seemed to like the pirate quite a lot. Maybe he can get her to fall asleep again.

So Emma walked down with Melanie pressed against her chest to muffle her cries. She didn't wanna wake Henry up after all. He deserves some rest after what happened.

Back in the living room she sits down next to Killian and thinks for an excuse to give him the baby. He probably won't take it voluntarily because he thinks, that he doesn't know how to act towards kids. He's always scared of hurting them.

Emma: "She won't stop crying. I think, that she might be hungry. I'll get her something from the kitchen. Can you hold her for a minute?"

She didn't await an answer though. She just put the crying baby into Killian's arms and stood up from the couch.

Killian almost looked at her with desperation. He didn't like this at all. He's always afraid of accidentally dropping the baby or hurting it with his hook.

Killian: "Swan, I don't know-"

He tried to talk himself out of this, but she cut him off with a peck on the lips, before walking towards the kitchen.

She didn't really believe Melanie was hungry, so she just pretended to heat something up in the microwave and while she did she glanced at her pirate and her niece.

The crying got quieter and quieter until it completely faded away and Melanie's eyes flickered close.

Emma smiled at both of them and then went back into the living room, sitting down next to Killian and lying her head on his shoulder to look at the sleeping baby.

Emma: "I think she likes you a lot."

Emma thought it might make him happy to hear it, but he stayed tense, so Emma leaned up and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. That helped. Killian was now less tense and more comfortable.

His Swan always had the power to make him happy. No matter what and he must admit, that the baby is quite sweet. It's not too bad, that she likes him.

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