Chapter 1

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The hospital room of Allison is filled with a lot of shock from everyone. They're all so shocked, but kinda for different reasons, which are in some way all the same.

They're all shocked, that Allison killed Regina, who's lying dead on the floor, a lot of blood covering her chest.

Chase is the most surprised person in the room because he knows his girlfriend very well and she once left him because he killed someone.

Her parents don't know her at all, but that doesn't change anything. For one because Regina was their friend and secondly because they never thought their daughter is a killer. They don't know, that this isn't who she is after all. They can only judge her by her actions and this is the first time they see her.

That event isn't the only surprising thing though. Only a few seconds later Allison falls unconscious again and her heart rate is zero. She doesn't stay dead for long though. When the first doctor arrives, she's already awake again, so Whale leaves again.

Chase: "What just happened?"

He puts his arm around her and pulls her closer to him because he's worried about her and also he knows, that she's very upset right now. She needs comfort. Cameron would never just kill someone without feeling terrible about it. Even a stranger would see that right now, so it doesn't go unnoticed by Snow and Charming either.

This relieves them a little, but they also wish, that they could help her somehow. They don't know how though, so they decide to just stand in the corner quietly.

Every passing second Allison's breathing gets more uneven and rushed. She can't handle this. Everyone in the room wishes to help her, but they don't have any way to do that.

Allison: "Did I - ? Did I just - ?"

She couldn't even say it out loud. That would make it real even though she already knows it's quite real. She did this and there's no going back now.

As that realization hit her she began to sob hard into Roberts chest. He was holding her very tightly with one arm. His other hand ran through her hair in an attempt to soothe her even though he already knows it won't. She won't let this go anytime soon, probably not ever.

Robert: "Everything's going to be okay."

She shook her head many times. In her opinion nothing will ever be okay again. She feels like all she's ever going to be capable of from now on is holding on to Chase for dear life. They're the same after all. They're both murderers.

The thought of that makes her even more upset if that's possible because it makes her think of their daughter Melanie and how both of her parents are awful people.

Maybe she should give her to Emma and leave, never coming back.

Just as Allison thinks about that Emma enters the hospital room. As soon as she sees her sister crying in Roberts arms, she runs towards her and puts her hand on her back, running it slowly up and down.

Emma's heart breaks for her sister. She never believed in that thing, that twins feel each other's moods and feelings, but now she knows it's true. They're very connected.

Emma: "What happened, Ally? Are you hurt? Is there something I can do?"

Allison pulls away from Chase and looks at her sister for a moment before falling into her arms, hugging her very tightly.

Allison: "How are you here? I had this...dream, vision or whatever and I- I saw you...die. You were stabbed and I felt pain in the same place. I thought I...lost you."

Emma: "I'm alright. That was nothing, but what about you? You don't seem fine even though you know I'm alive now...What else happened?"

Allison looked down ashamed. She wasn't ready to say the words out loud. It was her biggest fear.

She was scared, that it would change Emma's opinion on her. She was scared of losing her sister because of what she did, but she also knew she had to tell her. It was inevitable and she already knows, that Emma doesn't like secrets. She won't lie to her sister. She loves her too much and both of them have been through a lot.

Emma: "You can tell me anything. I know you want to. I can see it...Can you give us a little privacy?"

Emma looked at Chase, Killian and her parents, who soon exited the room. Then she faces her sister again and took both of her hands in hers, giving them a light squeeze in an attempt to encourage her twin.

Emma: "I'm the last person to judge you for whatever you did. You can really tell me..."

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