Chapter three: jean's dream

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( Emilia pov)

i woke to whole ground shaking so i got out of bed and check what happening

Luke what going on, i said walking beside him watching other kids walking in the hallway

don't know, Luke whispered

Guys what is going on,Brittany said

I think jean is having a bad dream again,I said to Brittany

Your talking to me ,Brittany said

Yes,let put the past between us,I said huging her.

i saw my uncle came in

Back to bed, please, my darling. - Back to bed., uncle Charles said

She's doing it again,hank said

Back to bed, please, everyone. Jessie, back to bed, please. Come on, now. Spit bolt, back to bed. Carrie Anne, come on, now. Back to bed. - I've never seen her like this, uncle Charles said walking in jean room with me secretly following him

Well, I do,hank said

Don't let any of the children come this way. Jean. Jean! JEAN !!! I... ,uncle Charles said looking at jean with worried look

I saw the end of the world. I could feel all this death, jean said

Nope. It was just a dream., uncle Charlee said

never said it was just a dream, it most likely is vision, i thought

But, it felt real. - jean said

I know. Your mind is the most powerful I've ever seen. - It can convince itself, uncle Charles said

No, it's not just a mind reading or a telekinesis, it's something else. Some... dark power inside and it's growing, like a fire. - I thought I was getting better, jean said

You are. You will. - You just have to be patient., uncle Charles said

No. No. You don't know what it's like to be afraid to shut your eyes. - To be trapped inside your own head. jean said

well i do i was afraid to close my eyes when i was ten, i thought to myself

Oh, but I think I do. It wasn't so long ago, that I was plagued by voices of myself. All their suffering. All their pain. Their secrets, uncle Charles said

Jean: I'm afraid one day I am going to hurt someone.

me too, i thought again

Lie back. Everyone fears that which they do not understand. You will learn to control your powers. And when you do, you'll have nothing to fear, uncle Charles said with comforting voice.

he rolled his wheelchair out of her room and then turn at me.

Emilia , why are you up, uncle Charles said already know the answer.

like, you don't know, i said with a smile

Making Brittany laughed behind me

Her nightmares were different this time, uncle Charles

well, it could have count for something I saw while I was in the lab with hank earlier, i said

There was some kind of tremor. Like an energy surge. - I picked it up on one of my meters, hank said

You're saying that Jean created,uncle Charles said

No, I'm saying something else did. Maybe she was reacting to it, I don't know. But, the Epicenter was half way around the world, hank said

Half way around the world?, uncle Charles said

Yeah. That's why I was hoping you could take a look, hank said

Let's see what we can find, uncle Charles said


Welcome Professor, the annoying computer said as i walk behind my uncle

Emilia ,i can heard your thought, uncle Charles said.

Well she is,I said

He just shake his head

The source came from Cairo. I'll put in the coordinates, hank said looking at moira thru cerebro

Moira: I got to get out of here and give them a report.

i heard moria said while i watch my uncle checking out mori

What? What is it?,hank said

Moira: Something happened here, I can tell it's real.

It's her,uncle charles said

Who? ,hank said

Moira,uncle Charles said

What? - Moira MacTaggert? ,i said with fake excited tone,looking at my uncle

I already know he checking her out.

Mm-hm,uncle Charles said

And give me the details?,hank said.

Well, she looks amazing. - She's barely aged a day,uncle Charles said like he was in love with her

I almost laughed at my uncle

No. I meant... What is she doing there? What's the CIA doing with this,hank said

She's going back to Langley to deliver a report. I'm going to go there, see if she knows something about the tremor,uncle Charles said

You'll wind up seeing Moira,hank said.

Yeah,are you glad to see your future wife,I said with smirk

Uncle Charles just rolled his eyes and laughed.....

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