Chapter 2

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           "DAMN YOU FRANCE!"he yelled closing his phone."WHY DO YOU LOVE SHOWING OFF EVERYTHING YOU HAVE?"tears started spilling from his eyes."Why...Why did...Why did you?How about you stab my heart with a knife so you know it's DEAD!"Alfred threw himself on the couch crying.Why did this had to happen today?Why couldn't they do it earlier so he wouldn't have decided to tell him? Or even better. Before he had even developed a crush on Arthur...

          Alfred's phone buzzed again. He wasn't going to look at it. What could Francis even want? To come there and tell him about the 'magical proposal' or about how 'beautiful and unexpected it was'?He decided to look though. Maybe it wasn't France,even though he doubted it. And he was right.

France:So,Alfred. You'll come wright?

America:I don't know.

America:I'll think about it.

France:Whaaaat? You HAVE to come!

America:I said I'll think about it.


         What the hell was wrong with Francis?!Did he want Alfred to brake down and cry in the middle of the wedding and ruin it for Arthur?That's the last thing Alfred wanted.To ruin Arthur's special day.

           Why did he even care?Arthur didn't like him.Arthur never liked him and he will NEVER like him.He shouldn't care about the guy who broke his heart but...he did. He cared too much about him.

~The wedding day~

           Alfred decided he was coming, one week before the big day. He decided he will wear the suit England gave him years ago(the one showed in America is cleaning his storage episode),but had it modified to fit him since he grew up since then.

           The day had finally came. The day Arthur will be bonded to Francis forever. The day Alfred will lose the chance to tell Arthur how he feels and make him change his mind.He could've told Arthur the day he found out,but....if he didn't feel the same...Alfred would not just ruin Arthur's big day but their friendship too.

          In the church there were only a few people. Him(as the best man),Belgium(as the bridesmaid,even though there is no bride),France's and England's bosses,England,the priest,and England's brothers who didn't seem happy at all with this but there was nothing they could do.

            Arthur was already there.The moment he saw Alfred,Arthur stopped dead in his tracks.Alfred noticed him staring at the suit.

             "I told you I was going to wear it on a special occasion!" Alfred said playfully.Arthur started crying a little,trying   to wipe the tears away."Is there something wrong?"Alfred asked a little worried.

             "Hmm...? Ah,no...It's just..."Arthur couldn't say it even if he wanted"I'm really happy that you decided to wear"He said, finally stopping the tears.Arthur couldn't say he hated the fact that he had to marry Francis,especially with Alfred right there.

          "Well..."Alfred started"You're getting married today after all!"He hated to smile when his heart was being torn apart,but that was his fault for coming.He had to smile for now,he couldn't ruin the moment.For Arthur.

             Francis had finally arrived and headed to the altar,the ceremony finally beginning.

~A long and boring bible reading later~

             "Now,if anyone has anything against this couple getting married,say it now or be silent forever!"the priest said. The room was silent. Alfred was pondering if to say it or not. No.He couldn't.He didn't ruin Arthur's big day so far and he wasn't going to. He promised himself,he will make Arthur's big day perfect  and that's what he was planning to do."Very well...If nobody-"

              "I have."

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