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I have a list of questions prepared to pepper Damon with when I reach his house – questions I am unsure if he will even be able to answer but still I make the mental note to ask them. I want to know about the first night he met me, the keys, his dad, my dad, George, the ransacking, heck even Reece. My hope is that if I am honest with him in what I want to know, he will be candid with the truth in whetting my curious concern. 

Once I get to Damon's apartment, I follow him into his bedroom as I have many times before and sit on the edge of the bed. There's no small talk. He offers me a drink before plopping onto his desk, fiddling with his laptop and grabbing a notepad and pen.

"What happened?"

I tell him what I know to be true – my version of events.

From the first second, I laid eyes on George to the last second and all of the stories that interlink with it. If he is shocked at how open I am being he disguises it well: the words tumble from my mouth effortlessly. He doesn't interrupt - he lets me finish my points before redirecting attention to the bag I am still holding.

"You brought the book?" 

I toss the entire thing over to him and glances at its insides.

"What?" I demand.

I run over to look in the bag and see my underwear is smack bang in the middle.


"I had a shower at George's."

"You two had sex?"

"I don't see how that's rele-"

Although I had been frank in telling him about my relationship with George. I had omitted the overture about our hook-up and discovery of my lacy underwear. Some things weren't necessary for him to know and so there was no need for me to divulge him.

"Believe me I don't care if you did, I just need you to answer the question," he cuts me off. "Did you have sex with him?"

I'm about to explain but catch myself: a woman did not tell other men about the men she slept with. 

"Maybe," I relent.

"First time?" He asks diligently.

First and second.

"Maybe," I repeat coyly.

"Was it good?"

"OK that's enough," I wave him off. "Now you're just being nosy."

"This is important information." His tone is measured but his words don't quite reach his eyes. "What... is he an early release kinda guy? Couldn't get it up? Not packing?"

"Don't do that."


"That reverse psychology shit, it doesn't work," I point out.

"Busted," he ribs me. "Good to hear you're getting some action though."

I shake with revolt. 

This break in celibacy had been unintentional and I wasn't dealing with casual hook-ups. These were people I knew and feelings were involved. I wasn't just playing myself.

"What's my sex life got to do with the case anyway?"

"Well, it determines whether we get caught or not."

"What do you mean?"

Damon smirks and I swear I see his eyes shimmer. "You've never fallen for a boy before, have you?"

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