Chapter Forty-Seven

Start from the beginning

I giggled. "Why are you so scared of them?"

"I'm not scared!" he admitted. "Not at Hoseok-hyung, at least."

I playfully rolled my eyes and turned so we were both facing the same direction. "Ha. You're so indirect."

"I'm trying to fit my words into the mood!" he reasoned. I laughed, cause he was starting to act a bit paranoid for a while.

"Why are you so panicky?"

"I don't want you to reject me." he said, looking away. I feel his hand makes it's way to intertwine itself with mines. "I just want you.. to be with me."

"I am." I reply, "You know.. that."

"Yes." he turned to me. "We have a 'thing', and it's beautiful, but.. I just want to make it official. I don't want to be like this whenever it's only the two of us." I felt him scoot closer to me.

"Will you go out with me?"

I blushed and laughed awkwardly, "Taehyung, didn't I already go out with you?" Yes, here I am again with speaking nonsense whenever I was so, so nervous.

"No." we locked eyes, and my heart couldn't help but beat faster at his gaze. "Like.. go out with me." he pursed his lips.

Was he..

Asking me to be..

I didn't mean to ruin the moment, but let's just say I'm not the best person to deal with this. And because I was blushing so hard, I looked away. "Uh.."

I wanted to answer. A yes would be good. And even though I wasn't as close to my parents, I wanted them to make an agreement with our relationship first, but then.. they probably wouldn't.

"Uh.." he mocked me, then laughed. "Just kidding."

I lightly slap my cheeks to try and get myself together. I turn to him, "But you have to court my family too, Taehyung.. as hard as it gets. Please."

"Of course." he smiled. "I'll treat your family like mine."

I chuckled. "You better!"

We teased each other for a good 5 minutes before calming down and looking up at the sky again.

"What do you want to be someday?" I turned to him.

"A saxophonist," he answered. "By that time, we're already together. I'm sure of it! How about you?"

"Musician!" I exclaim softly. "If I want to pursue that dream, I'm gonna have to take care of my hands and voice. More importantly though, my fingers."

"Aish, I'll be so proud." he grinned, pulling up my hands and placing a kiss on each one. "You'll be fine. And you'll be exceptional!"

"Oh, and maybe the time you turn worldwide you'll ditch me for someone else." I joked, laughing softly. Though it was nice to tease him, as he tensed up.

"No!" he said right away.

"It's always going to be you." his voice lowered.

And here he was again.. how can he turn from innocent to serious so quickly? But then again, it never failed to make my heart pound. I didn't want to ruin this moment..

"I.. believe that." I reassured, squeezing his hand tightly.

"Yuna.. can you promise me something, too?" he said slowly.

I smiled and nodded.

"Promise me.. you'll always be this happy?"

My heart pounded.

It wasn't a hard promise.

And I never broke one.

And I knew this wasn't going to be broken, too.

I wouldn't let it.

"I promise."

He grinned at me, his gaze so soft. He puts a strand of hair behind my ear, whispering something that made my heart skip much faster than it ever did.

He pulled away, but not so much as our faces were still inches away from each other.

"You make me smile." he murmured. "You make me so happy.. Yuna, you're so beautiful it drives me crazy. You make everything seem so pleasant whenever you're around. Your harum scarum ways are dangerous, but there are times it becomes a sign of your bravery and generosity."

Were these called sweet nothings?

"Taehyung, stop making me feel like this is our last moment together." I say. And I felt an unfamiliar feeling enter my heart.

"I want to make everything feel like it's our first moment.. Taehyung.. I don't know how you do it, but you make my heart beat so fast.. you make me so flustered I couldn't help but blurt out nonsense.."

"It's cute." he butted in.

"And embarrassing," I added, smiling. "And I'm not the only one that deserves to be reminded that.. that.. you're beautiful too, Taehyung. You make me smile.."

He cracked a smile and looked away for a while, before turning his head to lock eyes with mine. He moved his head closer.

"You're breathtaking." he says, planting a kiss on my hand and squeezing it.

I felt myself move my head closer. And he did too. I didn't know words to reply to that: and I was blushing so hard I might as well explode.

Oh my god...

I felt his lips on mine. He kissed me first, and my mind at that moment was so blank: it took me a while to kiss back.

Everything right there felt so perfect. I mean, if you could cut out the small bit of awkwardness, yes. It was definitely perfect.

Okay, maybe I was getting drunk here.

I pulled away, still blushing, and good to know he was, too.

I cleared my throat and put a strand of hair behind my ear, flashing Taehyung a small smile. He still seemed to be surprised, and he cracks a huge smile.

"Did that.. just happen?" he said slowly, saying every word carefully. I laughed and nodded. He stood up and started celebrating by doing weird motions and talking to himself. "Yes!"

I put on my heels again and stood up, my heart still beating fast.

"Does that make me your.. first kiss?" his voice was low as he asked me, as if secretly hoping he was. I chuckled and playfully punched his shoulder.


Again, he celebrated for a good 2 minutes before turning to me. "Yuna.. can I kiss you again? Just a peck!" he asked cheekily.

I laughed and nodded. I felt him peck a kiss on my lips, and his smile was so wide I couldn't help but smile, too. He was so cute.

"You know, we should go back." I pursed my lips. "It's probably starting, and I wouldn't want to miss that dance battle they'll be having."

"Hmm." he nodded, holding out his hand for me to take as he placed a foot on the steps. I smiled and gladly took it.

The night was still young.


Longest chapter so far, I think. HAHAHA.

But it's all Suyung and Tae here. So, yeah, I'm nice that way. And I added their kiss too, now everyone wants to be friends with me, yay!

Suyung didn't say a clear 'yes', too

Andddd Taehyung seems to be nervous with another thing besides asking her out

So you better enjoy the next few chapters



It's not always going to be as beautiful

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