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Based on the view around me, I concluded that Turtle Bay Island was, without doubt, the gate that led to where Lucas Hughes' species thrived—Greek world. I mean, they were everywhere. Out of absolute loathe to KN, I didn't notice that the guys I would supposedly work with from this day on were not far from Lucas Hughes' appearance.

Except for Sam. I totally noticed Sam last night.

"How do you survive this summer heat?" I incredulously asked Emily, my new roommate, who had arrived late last night. It was around eleven thirty. She was the one Caitee had talked about. I wiped the sweat from my brows, fanning my face. "It is so hot. Like we're in a microwave oven."

"We melt in summer and then come back alive when the rainy season arrives," answered Emily. "Tropical island."

"I see. So I guess it's a good way to lose weight. The sweating, I mean."

"I guess. Hey, look at that one, the one walking. I didn't catch his name yet. He also works here, right? It's good looking guys festival in this place. I would have come sooner if I knew." Emily kept her eyes on Leas, short for leash. He owned a pit bull, so the name.

"Leas. He's a music major."


"That is cute. I like the beard. It speaks. He looks friendly." I pointed to Harry, or Hairy, who got this distinct chin curtain, as Emily coined the term. It spread along the jaw and all over his chin. Quite cute. And matured. It was a double charm.

"I think Shark is the cutest among them," Emily whispered to me, pointing her fork to the one who was moving the chairs. His build was defined and muscular, like Daniel, but two of them had a huge distinction. Shane Joe, or Shark, was the type who could use a cool glass of water anytime.

Poured on top of his head, mostly.

He was so angry with the world, which was more like how KN saw his own. But at the end of the day, I likened Shark to Daniel. The big guy. The huggable ones. However, I seriously doubted if Shark would like to receive a hug out of nowhere, so I refrained myself from giving him friendly hugs.

The boys here in the restaurant had unusual nicknames. And with the exception of Emily and me, they all seemed to know each other since they were kids. Their nicknames were all weird. In my attempt to try calling all of them by their real name, I was corrected right away.

By Shark, actually. He rather got angry when I called him Shane.

Shane Joe.

"You sure? I was thinking ET," I replied, stuffing a whole pancake in my mouth. "He's kind of mysterious."

I, unfortunately, likely fell for guys who appeared to be hiding the world's most kept secret.

"I like Shark's appeal. Anger management and all," Emily told me, looking in my direction, and instantly noticing that I was thumping my chest. Hard. "Are you okay? Do you need water?"

I nodded. This was so weird. How could the pancakes get stuck in my throat?

She handed me a glass, and I gladly took it. Drinking a mouthful, I swallowed all the food in my mouth. "Thanks."

"Easy with the food. They're not going anywhere," Emily reminded me.

"Yeah. Think so, too," I fully agreed.

"You must like these pancakes a lot," she noted.

I liked almost everything. "Dean's a good cook."

"Heard he's been cooking since he could talk," Emily said.

Dean was the kitchen guy. He was a drop out of culinary school, from what I heard from Sam. I was into background checking after having this short trip to Corner Stone High School before. I always ended up asking about the people around me.

Say It Out Loud (Pink Unicorn Series, Book II)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ