Chapter 3

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The rest of my classes where boring... Angel Flight (even though no one in my class has wings), Angel Abilities and Powers, and Angel Career Paths... Each was more boring then the last.

I gently slammed my head on my desk and winced in boredom. I could clearly see that Lorea was staring at the same boy from this morning as he sat in the desk a couple of rows diagonal on her right side. The bell rang thus ending the class and leaving one more. Angel History... It was a class I always found interesting because you get to learn how the angels before you have shaped both the human world and upper heaven.

After a few minutes, an elderly man walked in. His almost bald head had patches of brown hair and his brown eyes seemed gentle and caring. He wore a white button-up shirt with a pair of black dress pants.

"Hello class." He said in a low voice. "My name is Mr. Kemp and I will be your Angel History teacher. When I call your name I would like for you to stand up and say one thing you would like to learn about. And you can't just say history about angels. I want you to be more specific in your answer." He nodded once he finished speaking. He picked up the roster listed and read the first name written at the top.

"Kyra Angel."

I stood up and looked back at him. "I'm Kyra Angel."

"What an unusual name. And what would you like to learn in my class?"

"I would like to learn how the Kyra before me changed the angel world."

"Interesting. Well, we will definitely be learning about that. You may be seated."

I sat in my seat and he continued calling names and asking what they wanted to learn. Someone said how the first angel came to be...another said they wanted to learn about his parents history...a few want to know about the continues battle between heaven and hell. But what shocked me the most was the answer Lorea gave.

"Lorea Light." Our teacher called as he looked out at the several students.

Lorea stood with a smile as she said "I'm Lorea. And what I want to learn in your class is why some angels feel the need to disobey God knowing that they may be sent to hell for their crime."

Mine and many of the others student's jaws dropped in complete and utter shock from her answer. It was simple and yet so complex. It was a question only Lorea could ever come up with.

"My...what an interesting and complex thing you wish to learn. That will definitely be a topic that we cover. But you must know, that is but a few drops of water in a lake that is the rebellion of angels." he said with a hint of excitement in his voice.

She nodded and sat back down. You could tell she was in deep thought. I will never be able to understand what ideas, questions, and brilliant thoughts run inside of Lorea's mind. Sometimes I think even she doesn't know the depth of her own curiosity and knowledge. Everyone knows she has the potential to do great things...the only question is what will she do.

After roll call, he snapped his fingers causing a book to appear on everyone's desk. The title read History of All Angels.

"This is the book we will be learning from. I expect you to bring it everyday or else you will get a detention and I would hate to do that." He said as he looked around the room at all our faces.

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw someone raise their hand. "Um sir...I was wondering...what are you hoping to teach us? I mean all our other classes have to deal with the future and yet you have us learning the past. I don't understand that logic sir."

"Oh damn!" I yelled in my head.

"Thank you for asking your question young man. It actually a simple see if we want to better our future then we need to learn and understand our past." He looked straight at me and I felt my body freeze in place as he continued. "That way we don't repeat it again."

My body released the breath I didn't know I was holding in. I slightly panted as I looked up at my teacher. There was a slight smile on his face that was hardly noticeable to others.

"Now, everyone open your books to the first page."

We all did what we were told and looked in shock as the page was blank. Everyone stared at their book in confusion but with a simple look I understood what was needed. Mr. Kemp looked around the room as I bit the tip of my index finger as hard as I could to draw blood. Once I had enough, I carved my name on the blank page. By now everyone was watching me. Once I was done, I placed my entire hand on the page and said the incantation.

"Release your information."

I took away my hand and my blood disappeared from the paper. A dim light shown from the book. Once the light was gone, columns of information about our history appeared on the paper.

"Well done Miss Angel. You are my first student to ever understand the process to opening the information before me explaining it. Congrats."

I smiled and closed the book. He then proceeded to explain the process to the rest of the class. I stared out the window at Syca. Her branches stood still as the sun inched its way behind her. Not longer after, the bell rang. I sat in my seat waiting for the rush of leaving students to die down.

"Are you okay Kyra?" a voice asked startling me.

"Lorea! You scared me to death." I said placing my hand over my chest.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to. I was just wondering if something was wrong."

"No, why do you ask?" I asked frowning my eyebrows.

"You just seem...I don't know...distant."

I smile and said, "Don't worry Lorea. I'm okay. Its just been a long and boring day. That's all."

"If you say so. Well I better get going before my dad starts to worry." She turned around and started walking out the room. "See you tomorrow Kyra!"

"See ya!"

I looked at my empty classroom and sighed. A rush of depression settled in as I got up from my seat and walked out the door. I continued down the maze of hallways before finally arriving at the garden. I dropped my belongings and ran to Syca. I wrapped my arms around her trunk and softly let my tears fall.

"What is wrong my child?" Syca asked in a motherly tone.

"I'm scared. I'm so scared Syca. I don't want to be like the Kyra's before me. I want to be good." I cried burying my face into her bark.

"Kyra....please don't cry....I hate to see you like this...please have nothing to fear but fear itself. Do you even know what the ones before you have done?"

"N-no." I said as I wiped my puffy red eyes and stained cheeks.

"Then why cry over something you don't have an understanding of?"

"My name alone means dark ruler so my destiny can't be good. I fear that God created me to cause damage and drive fear into those around me."

"Kyra, listen to me very closely...yes, God has made you for a reason but's your decisions that make up who you are."

I smilingly sighed and wiped the last of my tears away. "Thanks Syca. I needed that."

"I will always be here when you need me. All I ask is that you never forget about me as you grow through your time here."

"Don't worry. I could never forget about my best-est friend." I said as I hugged her trunk.

"I will see you tomorrow." I said smiling as I started to walk away. After a few steps, I turned around and waved at the gorgeous sycamore while saying " I love you Syca!"

"I love you too Kyra."

And with that, I walked out of the gardens and towards the front of the school. Once outside the school, I stretched my arms backwards and released them. I proceeded to walk home...a place that always felt empty...a place where I was alone.

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