Chapter 45

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"Yeah, the cops will be there, dude. I'm sorry. It''s Lulu. He attacked her. Yeah, okay. Thanks." Matty hung up the phone. He'd promptly dialed Michael's number to let him know he'd called the cops and everyone needed to leave and take their drinks with them.

"How are you doing?" Lulu knew Matty's eyes were on her, but she refused to look back at him. Instead, her eyes registered the corpses of trees which stood naked, lining either side of the road. She was awash with shame and too angry to speak. If she tried talking about it, she'd explode. Or maybe that was just the alcohol making its way back up.

"Stop the car," she said, holding her hand up to her mouth.

"Oh, crap."

He slowed down and moved the car to the side of the road. Before he'd come to a full stop, Lulu leapt out in time to be sick on the ground and not on Matty's leather seats. Matty held her hair back while she threw up until she was only dry heaving, afraid her stomach would come out of her mouth. Tears streamed down her face from the effort and mixed with the tears she'd been holding back. She moved to get up off the ground and Matty's hand was there, reaching out to help her up, but she ignored it and kept walking past the car and down the road.

"Lulu!" Matty called out. He ran up to her and stood to block her path.

"Leave me alone, Matt."

"Hey, let me help you," he begged. His eyes were earnest, almost tearful.

"I need to go home."
"I'll take you."

"No!" She yelled so loud, late winter birds nestled in the barren trees framing the road took off flying, frightened of the sound.

"What's going on? Why did you come with that guy and why..." he trailed off.

Why everything? She couldn't tell him because, despite his insistence, he didn't want to know. He'd made sure she knew how little he wanted to know what was happening in her life to lead her to this point.

Lulu just shrugged and kept walking.

"Tell me!"

She whirled on him. She'd had enough. "No! You decided this, remember?" Lulu flung out her arms in frustration. "You're the one who chose that what I was going through was too much to handle and you killed whatever it was we had. Don't pretend you give a shit now."
He started, clearly hurt, but it didn't matter anymore. Nothing she did mattered now.

"Lulu, we need to go to the cops. Michael can only hold him until they get there and no one but us saw what he did."
"That isn't your problem," she said through gritted teeth.

The wind picked up and blew through her hair. The jacket she wore kept her warm, but a wave of nausea ran through her, feeling like the arms of the coat were Tyler's, holding her immobile all over again. She was about to take it off when the headlights of a car coming towards them blinded her.

Lulu held up her hand to block the light. It slowed down and parked behind Matty's car. A figure emerged from the car, silhouetted against the bright headlights, but Lulu instantly recognized who it was. Ava ran up to them and stood next to Matty. They both looked at Lulu like she was holding a gun to her own head.

Lulu rolled her eyes so hard it hurt. "Are you fu—" she began to say, but Matty cut her off.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed? You're acting as if what just happened was nothing. You need to go to the cops. You need help!"

"I don't need anything!"

"Lulu, we're trying to help you," Ava said.

"What are you doing here? Did you call her?" Lulu pointed an accusatory finger at Matty.

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