Derrick was nodding the whole time going through this new information, he'd overlooked the possible dangers because of the urgency of the situation.

"Conner using this new information how long 'til your trans-warp capable? Derrick asked.

"Sadly Primary, it will be another day and twelve hours as the strain ruptured the Critela chamber most of that will be purge and re-gen. My hyper drive is still off-line for at least two days nineteen hours." Conner advised.

"Feel proud Conner you performed exceptionally well, your bothers, and sister are safe because of you." Derrick told him. "Lucy?"

"Yes Primary, I will require another two days, twenty one hours, thirty one minutes 'til I am hyper-drive and trans-warp-drive capable. Light shield at sixty five percent and holding steady," Lucy stated proudly.

"Thank you Lucy, don't try to rush, Shelby and I found that doing it right if far better than hurrying." Derrick said.

"I am afraid Primary that I am still without almost all power I still need four days twenty three hours, forty three minutes thirty four seconds of re-gen on my engines. The rest power wise, I have fifty five percent power from my generators my light shield is at forty five percent. Is it true that you have spoken to the palace A.I.?" Zan asked.

Looking over at Shelby he should have known that she wouldn't have been able to keep her mouth shut. Sighing Derrick decided that he might as well as get this over with. A moment later four holograms were staring at him.

"Yes, I have talked to Mary, the palace A.I. I have recited the first half of the royal code, as of a few hours ago I am at all access except imperial." Here all of the holograms smiled each bowing low to him.

"My lord we are all proud to serve you, the ideas you have incorporated in us will go far for us to protect the empire again." Zan stated after looking at Shelby and getting a nod from her.

Sighing Derrick thought it's going to be a while for that. "I am glad that you are proud to serve me, but please remember at the moment there is no empire. I am working on a way to resurrect it, though it will take a lot more than I have right now, much more."

All the holograms again bowed, "if you are the next emperor as it appears you are, we all pledge our lives to you. We live and die for you our lord, nothing will be too little for us to do." Zan and Lucy stated.

"You are the reason we were created, protecting and serving you is our duty," Conner stated.

"Thank you all but we have a hell of a lot of work before I can ascend the throne and rule." Derrick said though a great many ideas were starting to flood his mind. "Alright, first order of business is to have all of you repaired. I want all systems that aren't in use to be shut down, I want all power reduced to almost non-existent levels. I know this area of space and know that there is a pirate nest not too far from here. I don't want to lose any of you to them, they would strip your A.I. programs along with the ship though I know most of them would die taking you." Derrick instructed them all. The care that he was showing them all had tears in the eyes of each hologram before they vanished back to their respective ships.

"Shelby I need status on 0001," Derrick said suddenly changing subjects.

"If I may," 0001 stated breaking into the conversation, "I am at fifty percent growth, I have completed one energy producer and have a second coming on line in a matter of minutes. This should facilitate faster re-gen though I have need of at least one of the last five..."

"Last five? Just how many do you have?" Derrick asked.

"I'm sorry sire, I possess eight in total. It is essential for much of the equipment that I carry. I wish to tell you of them but 'til your status as imperial is clear I cannot. Though I can tell you that I still have a message for you no matter what." 0001 replied.

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