28. The Red Moon

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However, being in Levi's arms reminded her of how weak she was. That even after all her training with the sword on the island these past two years, she still needed somebody to come and save her. She didn't want to be that type of person, the damsel in distress.

Never again!

Not if she wanted her revenge against the man that ruined her life. She had a long way to go, and being stuck on this island wasn't going to get her anywhere.

"Levi..." she whispered and buried her head into his shoulders. "I want to be able to fight my own battles. I want to be stronger.

Levi chuckled and pushed her back from his embrace, his hands still placed firmly on her shoulders and a big, cheeky grin on his face. "Then join my crew!"

Jessica couldn't help but smile uncontrollably and nod. She noticed the glint of a sword's hilt strapped to his back. He still had her sword and her locket. She took both items back and thanked him for looking after her most treasured belongings.

It was then she noticed the rowdy crowd of the festival. They shouted towards the priests and the temple guards, angry that they had been tricked all this time. They looked ready to fight, and already a commotion had started when people started to angrily topple over market stalls in anguish.

It wasn't long before a fight broke out between the citizens of the island and the temple guards.


A voice echoed loudly across the streets, and everyone froze as they looked up towards the roof of the temple, which was covered in a cloud of smoke. The voice turned into a coughing fit, and a wooden puppet appeared, wafting the smoke away from his face.

"Baden?" Levi scratched his head as he stared up at his shipmate. "How did you turn yourself into a puppet?"

People along the streets started to mumble and talk amongst themselves. It wasn't until they saw a clear view of Baden that they started to scream in terror that a living puppet stood on the roof of their temple.

"Do not fear me! It is I, your God!" Baden lifted his arms up into the air as he pretended to be their messiah.

Simultaneously, all the crew face-palmed themselves, shaking their heads in disbelief. Except for Levi, of course, who had murmured, "cool!"

The crowd started to talk amongst themselves, wondering whether or not the puppet was, in fact, their deity. Jessica spotted Tommy poking his head over the rim of the temple wall, and he waved his hand at her, miming at her to play along. Jessica's immediately understood the plan.

"It is true." She stood tall on the altar table as she spoke out to the large crowd. "He is our Messiah. I prayed to him that he spare my life, and so he undid the black magic the priests placed on to me to show you, his loyal followers, that you had been deceived by the very people you trusted the most."

Jessica put on the most convincing act she could muster, allowing the tears to stream down her face as she bowed down to Baden in thanks.

The crowd seemed mostly convinced by Jessica's actions as they spoke amongst themselves. Most of them were nodding and agreeing, some even kneeling down on their knees, bowing in respect to their deity.

It seems Lady Jessica understands where I'm going with this plan. Tommy smirked in approval from where he sat hidden on the roof of the temple. He would get along well with her. He could already see a great friendship blossoming between them.

"D-did I?" Baden mumbled.

Tommy smacked his leg and glared at him with a nodding head.

"Yes, I did!" He once again lifted his arms up into the air. "I heard Jessica's prayers and saw what was happening, that you had been deceived, and I could no longer let such heinous acts be committed in my name. Therefore, as your god, I shall punish those who tricked you, and I no longer require your thanks in the form of a human sacrifice..." He paused. "Instead, I only ask that you be so kind as to offer me your rum!"

The Rookie Pirates (Parts 1-6)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin