Chapter 3: The Wicked Reign

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Chapter 3: The Wicked Reign

«The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. 

I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly» 

John 10:10

On returning to Lagos, I continued in my business and after two weeks I went back to the sea. The Queen of the Coast gave me what she called her “first assignment”. I should go to my village and kill my uncle, a prominent powerful native doctor who was responsible, according to her, for the death of my parents.

I obeyed and went but having not killed before, I hadn’t the courage to kill him, rather I destroyed his medicines and rendered him powerless. As a result of this act he lost all his customers till this date. I came back to give a report assignment but she was wrathful with me. She said the consequence of disobeying her instructions was death, but because of her love for me she would send me back to the same village to kill two elders who she said gave a helping hand in the killing of my parents. Whether this was a punishment for disobeying her or not, I did not know.

However, I obeyed and went back to the village and ‘managed’ to kill these men and sent their blood to her. As a result of the mysterious circumstances of their death the elders in the village went to inquire from another powerful native doctor who normally sent lightning to investigate the killer. Unfortunately for these men, I met the native doctor in spirit where he was consulting with spirits and warned him not to say anything if he loved his life. He came out and told the elders to go home and beg one of their sons whom they had offended and never mentioned my name.

The lightning he sent returned and struck in their midst killing some and leaving many wounded. After this first act, the powers in me started manifesting themselves. I would deform a girl for refusing me friendship etc.

My Meeting with Satan

I later went back to Lagos. One day, a girl named NINA came to me. NINA whose parents were from Anambra State was a very beautiful young girl but lives mostly in the sea, i.e. the underwater spirit world. She was an ardent agent of the Queen of the Coast and very wicked. She hated the Christians to the core and would go all length to fight Christianity. I first met her during my visit to the sea. NINA came for an errand from the Queen of the Coast.

We left immediately and reaching there I learnt of our having a conference with Lucifer. Satan, in this meeting, gave us the following instructions: To fight the believers and not the unbelievers, because the unbelievers were already his. When he said this, one of us asked: “Why?” He said the reason was that God drove him out of ‘that place” (he refused to call the word ‘Heaven’ and all throughout our meetings with him he never mentioned the word ‘Heaven’. Rather he would always use the word ‘that place’) because of pride, and therefore he does not want any Christian to get there (Heaven).

He also told us that we should not fight the hypocrites. “They are like me”, he said. He continued his speech and said: “We should only fight the real Christians.” That his time was near, therefore “we should fight as never before and make sure no one enters 'that place'.” So one of us said to him: “We heard that God has sent someone to rescue mankind back to God.” Satan then asked: “Who is that?” One member answered “Jesus” and to our greatest surprise, Lucifer fell from his seat. He shouted at the man and warned him never to mention that name in any of our meetings if he loves his life. It is true that at the name of Jesus every knee must bow (Phil. 2: 10), including Satan.

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