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Hello! So this is more of a fun and not so serious fic. (hence the fact that I made them wizards)
Idk this has all been derived from my mind at like 2am intervals so this is all sleep deprived nonsense

also thank you to Lexi for the absolute work of art that is this cover.

enjoy anyways!


I teleported into my best friend Jaime's room, without much in the way of announcing my arrival other than the small pop that came with that particular mode of transportation.

Jaime looked up at me with raised eyebrows, sitting up to get a better look at me. There was a book levitating above his head but he dropped it into his hands in a single smooth move.

"You ever heard of knocking?" He asked skeptically.

"He's back," I snapped irritably, starting to pace around the room as annoyance resonated in the deepest parts of my bones.

"What did he do this time?" Jaime sighed, standing up.
He stretched out his muscles, yawning slightly as he did so.

"Well he teleported into my room-"

"Maybe you can take pointers on how annoying it feels," Jaime interrupted.

"And basically floated around my head," I continued in a huff. "He broke all of my potions."

"And I'm sure you just stood and let him?" Jaime queried, moving over to one of the many shelves in his room and examining the contents inside a bottle.

"Why would I let him?" I said exasperated.

"Because we both know you're obsessed over Kellin."

"I am not," I said in a hoarse voice. "He's a pain in my ass-"

"Yes, I'm sure you want him to be."

"Jaime this is serious," I scolded him. "You have to kill him."

Jaime put the bottle down and whipped around to look at me. "Why do I have to do it?"

"Because you know I can't," I said. "Otherwise he'd be dead already."

"I still can't believe you took a blood oath for that boy," Jaime tsked. "It's your own fault that you can't kill him."

"It seemed like a good idea at the time," I snapped. "But it's not anymore and I want him dead."

"Ever thought that he just bothers you because he likes being around you?" Jaime suggested and I growled at him.

"He wants to be around me so he can ruin my life," I snarled.

"So dramatic," Jaime sighed.

"It's true," I said. "What other reason would he be coming around for?"

Jaime put the bottle he was examining down and turned to glare at me, his arms crossed firmly over his chest.

"Are you that thick in the head, Vic?"

"Probably, since I can't fathom any other reason for why he could want to-"

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