Chapter 2: Whats Happening Here S?

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A couple days pass from the last time D and S spoke on the phone. S gets up and puts on a grey suit with a yellow tie and clean dress shoes with yellow bottoms. He walks through his house down the stairs to the garage and gets in his grey and white McLaren, pulling out and driving to a gas station. S pulls up to the gas station gets out and walks in grabs a 12 pack of coke, 1 bottle of jack, and 1 bottle of gin. He puts it on the counter and asks for some cigarettes.

"Having a party?" asks the cashier as he scans the items.

"No just reuniting old times with friends."

"Sounds fun, well good luck on that and have a nice day"

"You too."

As S is driving he can see the light of the sun glimmer through the palm trees, the air smells like the salty fresh wind of the ocean. When S arrives at D's house he gets out of his car and grabs the alcohol, coke, and cigarettes, S knocks on the door and D looks through the peephole letting S in without hesitation.

"I see you brought liquor S"

"Yah yah just let me in"

"Ok fine".

They walk into D's living room and S sits down on his weathered couch, D grabs two glasses then sits down, D grabs the drinks and pours himself some.

"Have you thought about it S?"

"Yeah I've thought of it."

"Ok so what's happening here S is it a go??"

"I don't know I need to know all the details like time, when's it going down, how big the cut is and where it's at..."

"Ok out east there's this small joint across the city, it has highway access for a fast escape and it's in an open area."

"Have you scoped this place out, and I mean how I would scope it out not how you would."

"What I just told you is all I know"

"Ok D." S lights up a cigarette.

"Do you mind if I smoke in here?"

"Nah man it's fine"

"Ok I guess we'll do it, do you have a car, because we're not doing it in mine."

"Yah yah of course I have a car"

"Ok fine let's do it D just me and you,"

S walks to the window looking out into the setting sun and the monstrous skyscrapers. Feeling like it's slowly becoming his city again. He turns and faces D.

"In a couple days we're gonna scope all of it out D we'll do it professional and clean no one dies this time and I mean us, we can kill but were not dying ok?"

"Ok S."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2017 ⏰

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