Getting to Know Each Other

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"I'm leaving tonight and I need to get packed now but Tony can keep you company." Maddy said excited.
"Yea you can stay here on my dresser when you sleep and right now since I don't really have anything to do, you can come and talk to me on my bed." Tony offered to me.
"Sounds great but one problem. How am I going to get to your bed from here?? Oh no I'm stuck!" I started to cry.
"Awe don't cry! It's fine just climb on my hand and I will bring you over there." He reached out his hand and I climbed on. At first I stood on his hand but I got too scared and ended up holding on to one of his fingers so I wouldn't fall.
"It's ok. I got you." Tony said while carrying me towards his bed. He then sat down and I sat on his hand.
"Sorry about when I started crying. I'm very sensitive and emotional. I get very overwhelmed by little things." I was kinda embarrassed but I had to tell him or he would go crazy because of it.
"It's fine. It's kinda cute actually." I smiled. I never had someone who cared about me so much or that actually liked me for who I am. It was really nice.
"Ok so let me get this straight. Your a little person that lives in a village near the field I hang out in that is filled with tons of other tiny people that like being small and are afraid of us taller humans and your like an outsider that dreams of being our size and doesn't fit in with her 'people'. Correct?" I nodded my head. I spent two hours explaining my life an now he finally understood.
I eventually yawned because it was pretty late and I need sleep too whether I'm tiny or a giant. "I'm getting tired." It doesn't take long for me to fall asleep so I soon passed out on his hand.
When I awoke I was laying on his pillow but he wasn't in the room or anywhere I could see. After I looked around for a few minutes I began to cry. "Where are you Tony!! I don't know what to do!! I'm stuck up here to die!! Tony!!" I kept crying and throwing my fit till Tony came back in.
When he saw me he ran over to me and said "Hey! Hey it's okay! I'm right here and your not going to die because I'm right here! Everything is fine!"
I stopped crying and looked at him. "Where were you and why did you leave me like that?" I asked in confusion.
"I went and got dressed and got some food. Here is and apple slice for you. And don't worry you don't have to eat the whole thing."
"Thank you!" I then took a bite of the Apple which was absolutely delicious. I ate some of it but then I was full.
"By the way I have to go to school today! I have to go today and tomorrow and then it's the weekend. I obviously can't leave you alone in the house soo you will have to come with me. To school. You will ride in my hoodie near my ear so that no one sees you and if you have anything to tell me you will whisper it in my ear. Ok?" I was going to real persons school!!!! Yasssss!!!
"Yea that's fine." I said in response.
"Ok good but just so you know I don't really have friends at school because I just started last week and people like to pick on me." Awe that's so sad!!
"Ok that's really sad to here but I understand."

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