twenty two

145 22 2

rosa: bro

rosa: ive been saying bro in my head for the past forty eight hours someone heLp

kookiebby: wtf why

rosa: well if i knew i wouldve stopped saying it smart one

rapmonsta: i have been summoned

rosa: k

handsomeman123: kill yourself

rosa: WHY

handsomeman123: i hate when people say "k"

rosa: cool

agustdbitch: why are you so dry

rosa: because i feel like it

TAEHYUNG: shes mad because i ate all her ice cream

rosa: you fucking barged into my house and devoured my ice cream

jiminie: dating taehyung be like^^

handsomeman123: ur so childish

handsomeman123: its disgusting

hobiii: just go buy more ice cream

rosa: im grounded from last time

rosa:: i cant go out

rapmonsta: so how did taehyung get in?

rosa: he invaded my home

rosa: my grandmother wasnt home at the time

kookiebby: i didnt choose the sk8r life, the sk8r life chose me

agustdbitch: what

kookiebby: i got a skateboard so im a sk8r boi

jiminie: heheh

rosa: get out

rapmonsta: ^^

kookiebby: iSk8

agustdbitch: im gonna shove that skateboard up your ass


hobiii: skating is fun

kookiebby: i dont skate

kookiebby: i skateboArd

hobiii: geez sorry

rosa: thats when u know jungkook has no life

jiminie: hahahansnd

kookiebby: skate is love

kookiebby: skate is life

handsomeman123: stop



rosa: choke

skaterjjk: I WILL NOT

rapmonsta: i feel bad for his parents

agustdbitch: this kid isnt going anywhere in life

skaterjjk: SHUT Up

handsomeman123: rip

skaterjjk: okaY but what if i work for apple and create a cool techie skateboard

skaterjjk: the iSkate

rapmonsta: just leave

jiminie: im entertained

TAEHYUNG: that sounds

handsomeman123: ridiculous

TAEHYUNG: awesome

rosa: what

agustdbitch: there goes taehyung

skaterjjk: WHAT IF I MAKE IT FLY

rapmonsta: im pretty sure thats already being made

skaterjjk: i'll do it better

rosa: a dream is a wish ur heart makes

handsomeman123: when ur fast asleep

rosa: im tired

TAEHYUNG: go to sleep

handsomeman123: u left me hanging bitch

rosa: fuck off

agustdbitch: im

rosa: kbye

handsomeman123: DIE

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