Chapter One: Return to the Over~World

Start from the beginning

Herobrine nodded. "Sure is my boy. The portal will take you to the outpost we just took over. I want Blur to be our undercover agent. We'll make them think the rest of you have been turned to evil."

"I like that idea." Lachlan said as he stood up along with the rest of the group. "Do you think I should put on my old clothes for more effect?"

"Great idea Lachy!" Vikk exclaimed as he used his magic to transform Lachlan's clothes. "There. The clothes will change at will for you now."

"Hey Vikk, if we semi-destroy the ones he has on, will they destroy his other clothes?" Mitch asked, pulling out a small knife.

"Nope. But is Lachlan okay with you attacking him?" Vikk asked, turning to Lachlan.

"We're basically gods guys. It won't hurt, but I thinks it's good for effect." Preston stated.

"Great ideas boys. Now get ready. In one hour, you return." Hero said, smirking at the boys in front of him.

~One Hour Later~

~Lachlan's POV~

"Okay guys. Once we get close, Lachlan will go stumbling in acting injured. The rest of us will stay behind at the outpost while Lachlan goes through with his part of the plan. Lachlan, once you're ready, fire a flaming arrow from the Eastern tower. Everyone got that?" Mitch asked, looking around at us.

We arrived at the Outpost about five minutes ago and were now in the meeting room there. I was wearing my old clothes that now had cuts and burn holes thanks to Mitch. I also have cuts and bruises thanks to him but I can't feel them. One of the perks of being the adopted son of a god.

"Yep. Let's do this." I said, walking out of the room.

The others followed behind me as we exited the outpost and were greeted by tons of Overworld mobs. They all bowed to us and made way as we walked to the front.

"Okay! I need four skeletons, three zombies, and two creepers to come forward." I yelled, gaining the attention of the mobs.

The mobs I called out came forward and bowed.

"What do you wish for us to do?" A skeleton chattered.

"We have a plan. But first, I need to infiltrate the enemy's base. Your job, is to chase me until we come across the enemy. You'll run away once we do. That way, you won't get killed. You guys got that?"

The mobs nodded, causing me to smirk.

"Ready?" I asked, getting ready to run.

The mobs nodded as I turned to my brothers.

"Remember Lachy, keep you powers hidden." Preston said, giving me a hug along with the rest of the guys.

"Will do Preston." I said, giving him a tight hug.

"Good luck bro." Mitch said, clapping me on the back.

"Thanks guys. Alright mobs! Let's go!" I said, taking off running.

~A Few Minutes Later~

"My Prince, we've reached the outskirts of the base. What do you wish for us to do?" One of the skeletons asked.

"I need you to shoot me." I said, turning to the skeleton.

"What?! But my Prince, I could never..."

"Just shut up and do it. It won't hurt me. Just shoot me somewhere that won't kill me." I said, cutting off the skeleton off. "The rest of you can get out of here. Head back to the others and tell them they will receive a report soon."

The other mobs nodded. They bowed before leaving me and the skeleton in the middle of the forest.

"Are you sure you want me to do this my Prince?" The skeleton asked as he notched his bow.

"Yes. But stay hidden. When I'm inside the gates, you'll go tell my brothers." I told him. "Now shoot."

The skeleton nodded uneasily as he aimed his bow at my right leg. He let out a deep breath before releasing the arrow; hitting my just above my knee. I grunted quietly and turned to the skeleton.

"I'm going to cry out now. You go hide." I said, receiving a nod as the skeleton ran into the shadows.

Taking a deep breath, I let out a terrifying yell; one that scared even me. I dropped to the ground, and clutched my leg in fake pain. Shouts filled my ears as the sounds of rushing footsteps grew closer and closer.

"Guys! I found him! It's Lieutenant Craft!" A voice cried out as people entered the small clearing.

"Lieutenant Craft! Are you okay?" One of the recruits asked as he knelt down in front of me.

"N-n-no." I whimpered out; smiling on the inside at my great acting skills. "W-w-we were t-t-taken to a d-d-dungeon. T-t-they t-t-turned the others. I-i-i b-b-barely e-e-escaped."

"Oh Notch. Take him to the hospital wing and get his wounds healed! I'll tell the generals." The recruit from before said.

The others nodded and two came and helped me to my feet. I cried out quietly for effect and groaned as I stepped on my 'injured' foot.

"Quick. I think he's lost a lot of blood." The recruit to my left said to the one on the right.

The two carried me towards the base; getting worried looks from the guards. Turning my head slightly, I noticed the skeleton from before watching. He nodded his bony head to me before disappearing into the undergrowth. I lowered my head as the guards carried me into the base; smirking as we entered.

"I'm in."



Chapter one is out. Just like I said Mak. Here you go guys!

Tell me what you guys think will happen! And maybe, your idea will get put into the book!


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