Storm would hold his nose up and ignore his sister's stories about Salmon's talents. Salmon would hold her nose up and do the same, ignoring the annoying tom.

            "Are Honey and Mouse meeting us here?" Salmon asked.

            "Not quite," Oak replied nervously. Salmon tilted her head, then heard footsteps behind her.

            Walking towards her was none other than Storm and his mentor, a large black tom with bright green eyes.

            "Storm, Raven, thank you for meeting us," Oak greeted them.

            Salmon stomped her paw down in anger, glaring at Storm as he stood across from her, grinning in satisfaction.

            "Why am I fighting him?" Salmon asked.

            "Storm is second-best, perhaps even better, than you in your training. Honey and Mouse have become too easy for you, and it's best you train with someone who is on the same level as you," Oak explained.

            "But why couldn't it be another cat?!" Salmon replied. "I don't want to fight him!"

            "Scared, huh?" Storm asked.

            "No," Salmon spat.

            "Settle down," Oak snapped. "Storm is the only cat at your level, Salmon. If you wish to become leader someday, it is best you know how to fight those who can fight even better than you. This will be good practice for you."

            "As if," Salmon muttered.

            Oak shoved her with his tail, and Salmon let out a low growl, following him into the woods with Storm and Raven walking by her.

            Storm padded closer to Salmon, grinning.

            "Raven's been training me real hard. Better watch out," he warned.

            "Says the tom who isn't leader," Salmon muttered.

            "You're only becoming heir because you're Oak's only kin. When he takes on another mate and they have a tom, your leadership is gone," Storm whispered.

            "My father will not take on another mate. I know him well enough to know that," Salmon replied, turning away from Storm.

            "Just remember what I said," he replied as they came to a  small meadow, the one she usually practiced in with Honey and Mouse.

            "Are you sure Honey and Mouse can't practice with us?" Salmon asked Oak again.

            "Positive," Oak replied. "Stop complaining, Salmon. You're acting like a kit."

            Hurt by her father's words, Salmon obeyed and stopped in the meadow with her father, waiting for further instructions.

            "This looks like a good spot," Oak declared. "Now, you've been learning advanced attack moves as well, Storm, correct?"

            Storm nodded, grinning proudly.

            "He's very advanced for a cat of eleven months," Raven explained.

            "Then it should not be too hard for a good fight to occur," Oak reasoned. "Now, Salmon, you are to practice these moves with Storm. It will be more challenging, but it will test your ability."

            "This will be easy," Storm spoke.

            "I'm going to rip your throat out," Salmon hissed.

            Another kick came from Oak. Salmon shook her angry thoughts away and faced Storm, ready to fight.

            "This isn't meant to be violent. Claws sheathed, teeth dull," Oak explained.

            "Go!" Raven shouted.

            The two began circling each other, Salmon growling at Storm. He rolled his eyes then launched. Salmon quickly turned away, causing Storm to stumble. He quickly regained his balance and growled, angry at Salmon.

            "I thought you'd said it would be easy," Salmon teased.

            "It is!" Storm shouted, leaping at Salmon again. Expecting him, Storm landed on top of her. Salmon quickly pawed at his belly, desperately wanting to unsheathe her claws and claw at him, but she obeyed her father's advice.

            She was able to push Storm off, facing him once again. He snarled at her then leapt once more, this time knocking Salmon against the ground. Her shoulder hit the earth, and she yowled in pain, standing up slowly and facing Storm.

            "Piece of fox-dung!" she shouted, leaping at him. In anger, she landed on top of Storm and held him down, her shoulder stinging.

            Storm struggled beneath her grip, despite his size. Her anger made her grip strong.

            "Behavior, Salmon!" Oak warned again.

            Salmon knew displeasing her father would make him in an upset mood throughout the remainder of the week. If she were to complain again, how would her father punish her? What if Storm said was right? What if he was planning to take on another mate? Would she still be leader?"

            These thoughts, unfortunately, caused her grip to weaken, and Storm shoved her over, landing on top of her once again.

            "Don't hurt each other!" Raven shouted.

            Salmon growled and the two rolled across the ground, growling and hissing. She had never been this angry and violent with Mouse and Honey. Perhaps this was a good way to get her anger out at Storm.

            Storm leapt once again, and Salmon moved, expecting his jump to be short. She was surprised when he landed on her, causing her to fall. She yowled and struggled to push him up. Suddenly, she felt sharp teeth bite down on her ear.

            Salmon was shocked and gazed at Storm in disbelief. Drops of blood dripped onto the ground, and she struggled beneath his grip.

            "I've seen enough!" Oak called.

            "He bit me! He bit me!" Salmon shouted.

            "The rule was to keep all claws and teeth sheathed. He did not bite you. Just because you lost does not mean you get to make up excuses," Oak growled.

            "But he did! Look at my ear!" Salmon complained, running up to her father. He focused his eyes, then shook his head.

            "You probably cut it on the ground when you fell," Oak explained. "Storm is a fair player."

            "It's so unfair! He cheated!" Salmon shouted.

            "I don't know what you're talking about," Storm replied, padding away with Raven.

            "We'll need to increase your training, of course," Oak began, continuing to lecture Salmon on ways to improve. Ignoring him, she glared at the grinning Storm as he padded away, her pelt spiked in anger.

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