Chapter 59

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As soon as Lemonfur's scream echoed throughout the SnowClan camp, Lifesnow pricked her ears and popped her head out of the warriors den where Sunrise and Salmon followed. All were in alarm to see the young she-cat yowling in pain as she laid on the ground.

"MY KITS ARE COMING!" she yowled again, louder and in more pain.

Already, Spiritheart and Ripplepaw had burst out of then, Thornstar following. Realizing she needed to help, Lifesnow was the first to step out of the den and rush towards the she-cat. Salmon and Sunrise quickly followed behind.

Lifesnow only came to a halt when the clear blue sky suddenly began to turn gray. The sun quickly vanished beneath the clouds, and all sunlight was blocked. A light breeze began to sweep up, and Lifesnow felt herself shivering.

Her paws tingled, and she knew something was coming.

"It's happening," she heard Thornstar gasp.

"WHAT'S GOING ON?!" Patchfur yowled, leaping out of the den. But all the cats had fallen silent. Even Lemonfur's screams had come to a cease.

From the darkened sky came a flash of lightning, and when it had cleared, Moonstar sat in the center of SnowClan camp, her eyes flashing a deep red as she turned to face the cats.

Lifesnow shuddered. She'd never seen the she-cat before, but she'd heard enough stories. This was the cat who was responsible for her mother's death, for the scars on Stormpelt and Graytail. 

Salmon and Sunrise, though they'd never known too much of Moonstar, seemed just as frightened.

From what Lifesnow could see, Lemonfur also looked terrified and let out a squeal of other pain or fright.

"Moonstar," Thornstar growled, unsheathing his claws.

"B-But, she should be gone," Patchfur argued. "Shinypelt-"

"Shinypelt failed!" the ominous figure snapped. "Yes, StarClan's powers were meant to vanish me forever...even from the Dark Forest, but alas, I still wander those dark woods, though I may not be as strong. But I felt a presence here today," the silver-blue she-cat purred, her eyes falling directly on Lifesnow, Sunrise, and Salmon.

"Are these cats supposed to stop me?" she asked, pointing at them and laughing.

No cat spoke, each of them frozen with fear as Moonstar approached. She turned, laughing harder at Lemonfur. "And it looks like one of them has gone into labor. So unfortunate that StarClan's plans have failed again."

Lemonfur let out a growl, then winced in pain once again. Spiritheart and Ripplepaw were by her side, trying to coax her.

Lifesnow gulped and shut her eyes, suddenly knowing what she had to do.

"We can still stop her," she told Salmon and Sunrise.

"What? How?" Salmon asked. "Lemonfur can't even move."

Lifesnow ignored them and stood up, embracing Moonstar. "You're wrong. We can stop you!" she snarled. "We can finish what Shinypelt did not."

"Lies," Moonstar growled, unsheathing her razor sharp claws. Lifesnow gulped, then watched Lemonfur struggle.

"No, you can't move," Ripplepaw urged. "You must wait until--"

"I'm fine!" Lemonfur snapped, slowly rising to her feet. She limped forward towards the others, and quickly, Lifesnow ran towards the she-cat, Sunrise and Salmon rushing behind. Before Moonstar could even react, Lifesnow pressed her nose against Lemonfur's, feeling a spark of energy. As if on cue, Salmon and Sunrise joined in, and a feeling of light and surge of power rose through Lifesnow. She truly felt StarClan within her. This is what it meant for the four cats to come together. This was how Moonstar would be defeated and how the prophecy would prevail.
Moonstar shrieked as a blinding light began shining around them. 

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