"You don't have training today," he informed me as he moved with me, easily matching my hurried speed.

"I have training everyday, gorgeous," I corrected.

"Not today. I've been given your schedule and the entire week has been cleared," he politely responded.

I stopped and turned on my heels to face him directly.

"Why didn't anyone tell me that?" I narrowed my eyes questioningly.

"I just did," he said without an ounce of humor.

"But... That doesn't make sense. The only thing Kieran and Reed have in common is their annoyingly strict personalities. They wouldn't just let me get away with not training for several days."

He looked at me sympathetically, an expression I wasn't expecting. "No one would expect you to attend training after what happened to you," he said carefully, looking unsure about bringing up the incident.

"I was bitten. It wasn't my favorite experience that involved biting, but I'm fine. I'm not dead; It's not the end of the world." I held back the urge to roll my eyes at the dramatics of all this only because he seemed to be a decent guy.

A shine of respect reflected in his eyes and it made me shift uncomfortably under his gaze. "You're very brave."

I didn't respond for a full second, giving him the 'okay, crazy' eyes.

"Okaaay, I need Alec," I said to myself out loud.

"Of course. He's in the den. I'll escort you." He gestured down the opposite direction and I started in that direction, giving him a look as I moved past him.

"How do you even know who Alec is?" I shot him an unsure look from the corner of my eye.

"He was the only person that was associated with you. I was briefed on him before I got here. He has a very... Interesting school record." His polite description of Alec made me want to laugh but I settled on pressing my lips together in a smile.

"And how do you know where he is?" I asked.

"Guards have been spread throughout the building. I know where he is because another guard knows where he is," he answered easily.

I nodded, accepting the answer absentmindedly, and sighed.

The den is what they call the entertainment center. It was the place everyone came to relax and hang out. Going in it would inevitably invite people to attempt conversations that I didn't want with people that I didn't want to know. So far, I'd been doing a fantastic job of avoiding everyone despite it being made difficult by the curiosity surrounding me. I'd purposely chosen not to ruin that to attempt to resurrect my nonexistent skills at small talk and manners. You could see why being in an inherently social setting was something I'd been actively avoiding.

Alaisdair stopped at the den entrance and I hesitated a few steps behind him. I peered around the room from afar, hoping Alec wouldn't be here and cursed under my breath when I spotted him fairly easily as he flirted with the bitch that I had a run in with when I first got here. I breathed in deeply, considering my options as my predicament became clear. On one hand, there was what I wanted to do and on the other was what I should do. I wanted to do something that would probably cause me some trouble, but I should practice the self control skills I've been learning.

I sat frozen in my spot, battling with my instincts before I gave into it.

I could always practice tomorrow.

I tugged my shirt up slightly so my midriff was showing and fluffed my hair. A flash of surprise crosses Alaisdairs face before he recovered.

"What are you doing?" He asked in a hushed voice.

Her Hidden Half (War Songs of the Courts #1)Where stories live. Discover now