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"Jackson Wang, you need to stop with your jokes. I'm trying to teach a lesson tay you will new to pass!" Mr. Kim snapped looking to the blond boy in back. The whole class, even me, chuckled at Jacksons silliness.

"What exactly will we need to use this in an every day situation?" He spouted sitting up.

"You'd be surprised! You may not want to learn but the others do. So it would be greatly appreciated if you stop making jokes or leave. Your choice." Mr. Kim crossed his arms, glaring at Jackson with anger in his eyes.

"Who wants to learn?" He stiffed a laugh looking around to all the other students.

With a smirk on my lips, I watched as Mr. Kim growled at my man. Yes, I said my man. I've been into Jackson since he first moved here and made His amazingly humorous first impression. By tripping a student who was picking on the shy kid in the back, Youngjae. Who, just so happens, to be my best friend. Yet that heroic act to help my friend out, was not what made me love him. No, it was his jokes.

Well, not his jokes themselves. What they did to both him and everybody around us. He made them smile, laugh, feel joy. He brought a light to our gruesomely boring lives. He surly did I to mine.

Before him, I was an antisocial any boy in the back with Youngjae. Now I can't go a day with out rejecting a confession. It's getting old, considering the fact that everybody  knows I like Jackson.

"Mr. Wang you can leave my class room now." Mr. Kim waved him off turning back to the board. Mr. Kim is now pissed, and they all know it. All the laughing and snickering stopped as soon as the words left his lips. All but mine. Mr. Kim slowly turned to me as I chuckled under my breath.

"Mr. Tuan? You find Jackson's humor amusing?" He narrowed his eyes, stabbing into my soul.

"That is why people laugh right?" I shrugged. He almost seamed shocked. But like I said, everybody knows I like Jackson.

"Than you can go with his to the office." He pointed to the door. "Go on."

I sighed closing my book and standing, as did Jackson. As I walked down the lane and turned to the door I glance to Youngjae in the back, who just watched me with a worried look. He says he doesn't like when I get in trouble because it brings attention on him too.

I walked silently down the hall to the office, at Jacksons side. I've never actually talked one on one with him, so I just stay quiet when were alone or with a small crowd of others. I don't want him thinking I'm odd or some sort of show off.

"I've never seen anybody but me talk back to Mr. Kim like that." He said out if nowhere with a chuckle drowning his voice. I just glanced to him with a slight smile. "I don't tink I've ever seen you before. You new?"

"No,"  I shook my head. Crap, don't be weird! He's talking to you!

"Oh, I guess I've just never noticed you than. What's your name?" He looked me up and down.

"Mark, Mark Tuan." I smiled all shy like. I'd like to think I looked fairly attractive that day. I always try to on Wednesdays. We never have to where school uniforms on Wednesdays so everybody dresses how they want.

"Nice to meet you Mark Tuan. I'm Jackson, as you may know." He smiles proudly.

This is it, I'm going to die.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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