Luna's Demo CD

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Luna was in her room going through her old CD's she had her interview with Steve Money and she needs her special CD that she made all on her own. "Where is it?" She said scratching her head . It was then Lincoln walked into the room "Luna what are you looking for?" Luna groaned and got up from the floor " ugh my demo CD for my interview today" Lincoln completely forgot that his sister had an interview today "Ahh there it is!" Lincoln was a little bit confused "Um Luna What's a demo cd?" Luna smiled and sat next to her brother "A Demo CD is when before the music people sign you for a record label they want to know how good you truly and I can finally use this cd for something!" She said grabbing her purse She looked out into the hallway and looked back at her brother "Wish me Luck Link!" She said leaving the room

*At the Interview*

"Ahh Luna Loud right on time!" Steve said shaking her hand "I'm a little nervous but I'm ready to make my dream come true!" She said excitedly "I'm glad to hear that come in and take a seat!"  Luna nodded and did what she told. "Well Luna I heard your voice take the room last night and it was don't tell me..... BEST SONG I HAVE EVER HEARD" Luna smiled "Well actually it came from a movie my younger sister was watching and I was looking for inspiration and-" Steve put a  finger to her mouth "I don't care about the backstory, I care about the star I'm about to make BIG" Luna grabbed her CD out of her bag "Well Here's My Demo CD it's from when I was in 7th grade and I really want you to hear it because I putted my effort into this!" Steve picked up the CD and looked at it "I was gonna sign you right on the spot but I guess I can give it a listen" He then put the CD and her first song "My Name is Luna" after hearing the song he looked back at her and smiled "Welcome to the Label Luna!" Luna jumped out of her seat and hugged Steve "Oh my god thank you so much I can't believe that this is happening ohh I can't wait to tell my family about this!" She grabbed her CD and was about to run to the door when Steve spoke "Luna wait!" Luna walked over to him "Talk to me" "We meet first thing tomorrow morning and don't be late" Luna nodded and walked out the door  She put her back against the door and stared at her CD and smiled. This wasn't a dream this was happening this was really happening

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