Chapter 1

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When Lance woke up from a fitful nights rest, he felt like he was on a star. In other words, he felt hot as all hell. Being from a hot place, Lance never really thought of his normal body temperature but with him being this hot, too hot, he must be sick, maybe it was even a fever.

"How the hell did I get sick?" Lance mumbled helplessly to himself, sure he had been staying up almost all night so that he could train. He wouldn't dare to let Keith Kogane a.k.a the infamous drop out back at the academy pass him in anything. There was no way Lance was willing to loose against Mullet Boy.

If he tried to get -emphasis on try- to get any sleep, a wave of homesick hit right before he closed his eyes, "What the hell am I getting homesick about? I've been away from home for months now!  Maybe even a year or two!  S-sure I miss mama's homecooked meals and comforting hugs... Oh... "

Lance knew that he would have to change out of his warm, hug-like pajamas so that he could change into his suit if armour because God only knows why Shiro and Allura were working him to the bone while he already worked himself to the bone every night. But no matter what they had to say, Lance was not leaving his jacket in his room. He need some sort of comfort while he trained and I'd he couldn't wear his pajamas today, Lance was going to wear his jacket.


"Good morning sleeping beauty! " Keith called out as Lance walked into the dining room where everyone was eating breakfast.

"Just gotta last until the end of the say, I can do this... " Lance thought to himself before he smirked, angling his signature finger guns, "You think I'm beautiful?  I'm so charmed Millet Boy! "

"Crap...!  That's not what I meant!! " Keith started to sputter out obviously embarrassed before everyone began to laugh even Shiro who usually had a stone cold face.

"Hey Lance, why aren't you eating? " Hunk nundged Lace in his side which brought the boy back to reality from his thoughts.

Lance looked down and the bowl of green, lumou space food. He shuddered at the thought of eating something in the state that's he in, sure he knew that he had to eat something so that he wouldn't collapse which meant wasting a precious few days to get ahead of Keith, "I'm not hungry at the moment. I'll have something to snack on if I get really hungry later. Do you want the rest of it big guy? " Lance said as he was already pushing the bowl towards Hunk.

"Would I ever! " Hunk cheered and instantly did into the food making Lance chuckle a bit.

"But Lance, you need to eat something! " Allura protested as Lance got up to leave.

"Allura, I'm fine. As I said before I'll snack on something if I get really hungry. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go on a quick fly with Blue. Don't worry, don't worry... I'll be back before training even starts! " Lance flashes a convincing smile before leaving to go to Blue's hanger.


When lance hopped into the chain in Blue, he barely waited to do the proper preparations of taking off -besides on putting in his seat belt, Lance may be reckless but he is also safe-. Lance just wanted to be in the stars alone,  only with his own thoughts to accompany him.

"Hey Blue, do you think it's possible to fly all the way back to Earth?" Lance patyes the controls as if he was actually patting a lions head, "I know you can't answer me verbally and I do t think it's possible to anyway... I just miss my family back in Earth. I know you can't answer but I know you're listening. Right?" Before Lance could finish speaking with Blue, he broke into a coughing fit that refused to let Lance take a breather, "Come on Blue, let's head back to the Castle. I don't think the cold space is a place for a sick,  yet handsome man like me. "


When Lance brought Blue back from the flying field trip -The two of them didn't even go anywhere, they just floated in space while Lance talked to Blue-, the first thing that Lance checked was the shooting range,  but there was no one in the room, no rest of the colorful paladins or no Coran, "They still must be in the dining room. Either I was out there for a short amount of time ke it takes them forever to eat breakfast which was already served when I walked into the dining room."

As Lance was waking down the halls heading to the dining room he suddenly felt seasick. He didn't feel like throwing up,  his knees just felt weak and the floor seemed like it was swayjbf back and forth. Just because they where on a ship which it wasn't even a real boat!  It's a spaceship!  That still didn't mean that it had to rock making Lance sick.

When Lance returned to the dining room he sat far away from the others so that he wouldn't get anyone skcm. He didn't want anyone to get sick which most likely meant that Shiro would get mad at him.

"Hey Lance, you weren't out there for very long. Is everything okay? " Pidge looked up from the robot that she was fidling with.

"I just wanted to look at the stars. " Lance smiled and tried to make himself smaller by wrapping his arms and jacket around himself.

"We're almost done eating so we'll go to training." Shiro stated after swallowing a bite of green space food.

Lance internally screamed in frustration, "I've trained dmore than is expected from you guys! " But of course as stressed out as Lance was, he didn't want to blow his top, "That's fine, what are we working on today Shiro? "

'We're going to be working kb building our teamwork. Especailu you and Keith. " Shiro stated smiling widely, "Of course, not just working on our mental strength, for our physical strength, we will be working on shooting. "

"But Shiro... " Lance and Keith started to complain but they where cut off by Shiro.

"No Lance, you get along with everyone besides for Keirh. The exact same thing goes for you Keith. You two fight like cats and dogs!  Why can't you get along like Pidge and Hunk? " Shiro snapped making Keith and Lance look at each other in fear.

"Y-Yes sir...  We're sorry sir. " Both Keith and lance mumbled in sync, they didn't want to see Shiro mad at them, a mad Shiro was and is a scary Shiro.

"Great, I'm glad that I got it through your think skulls. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to go prepare the training simultation. Any if you are welcome to come and join me. " Shiro stood up and began to leave.

"I'm going to go return my robot to the lab. Hunk can you help me?" pidge got up as Hunk nodded and grabbed the robot.

"I'm going to speak with father." Allura stood io as well and left. Slowly everyone was leaving.

"I'll go catch up with Shiro. " Keith stood up and left. Then there was only Coran and Lance in the dining room.

"Are you okay Lance? " Clean looked over at the Blur Paladin with worry in his eyes, "You can always talk to me. "

"I'm fine Coran! Justing thinking about how I can beat Keith! " Lance flashed a smile at Coran. Though Lance couldn't even believe the lie that he had just told him. He was just sick and tired of everything.


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