Oh, You Like Chirping? Too Bad.

Start from the beginning

"Afternoon people," I greeted as I walked into the kitchen. Elena and Stefan were making coffee, and Bonnie and Caroline were sitting at the table.

Stefan frowned.

"You shouldn't be awake for another four hours at least," he stated, looking at me.

"My point exactly," Damon agreed. "Let's go back to sleep."

"Come on Stefan, I'm a hundred and sixty-two now. I have to start being responsible." I paused. "And that is never going ot happen."

"Hey Marni, were you yelling at a bird this morning?" Caroline frowned.

"Uh, no..."

"Yes," Damon answered.

"I heard it too," Stefan commented.

"And me," Elena added.

"It was a really annoying bird!" I defended.

"So you started yelling at it?" Bonnie questioned.

"No, she jumped out of my window into the tree and tried to pick a fight with it," Damon smirked.

All three girls gave me looks that made me believe they were questioning my sanity, but Stefan didn't look that surprised.

"Don't judge me!" I cried softly.

I walked over to Stefan and took the cup of coffee he handed me.

"So. How was everyone's night?" I grinned, pulling myself up on a kitchen stool by the island counter.

"I had a blast," Caroline answered.

"Was that before or after you made out with Tyler?" Elena smirked.

"Hey!" she defended.

"Nice work Caroline!" I laughed.

"It only took you, what, three months?" Bonnie guessed.

"It took these two over a century!" Caroline protested, gesturing to Damon and I.

Damon and I rolled out eyes simultaneously.

"So not the point Caroline," I stated.

"Does anyone else find it kind of ironic that Barbie's dating a werewolf?" Damon asked. "Considering we are a warring species and all."

"We're not dating!" Caroline insisted, turning to Damon.

"If you say so..." I smirked.

"Well, as long as he doesn't find out about our little secret," Damon started. "Because I don't know about any of you, but I don't particularly like werewolf bites."

"Tyler wouldn't do anything to any of us," Caroline announced.

"Really? Because last time I checked, he was the one that bit me," Damon said.

"But he's not in control when he turns. Like Alaric said, werewolves hunt vampires because they're their natural enemy," Caroline defended.

"And we come right back around to the irony of you and Tyler Lockwood dating," Damon smirked.

"We're not dating!"

I laughed at their bickering. It was at that moment that Alaric walked into the room, looking completely sober.

"Morning guys," he greeted.

There was a chorus of hello's.

He looked at me.

"Well don't you look sober."

"Come on, I was faking being drunk."

Everyone gave me doubtful looks.

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