"My mom-My mom asked if you-if you wanted to come with us-with me to my chi-the chi-whatever that word is, can you come with m-me?" Again I couldn't help but laugh that she gave up on pronouncing the word chiropractor. "I really want my-my best friend to go w-with me!"

"Yes Lauren, I'll go with you." At my words the younger girl started squealing again, telling her mom what was going on. "It's at three thirty tomorrow, correct?" I made sure what my nurse told me was correct before I showed up only for nobody to be there. Lauren confirmed my question with a yes before she started rambling on about what had happened in the four days we haven't seen each other. I listened patiently as she stuttered through her days with the phone resting on my shoulder. I took the time to finish all my paperwork and sending off prescriptions to various pharmacies. I looked at the clock to see I had a couple more appointments before the end of the day, and my next one was starting in about five minutes. I waited until Lauren paused so that I could catch her attention. "Lauren, I have to go okay? I have other appointments. I'll be there with you tomorrow, I promise, but I have to go right now." I quietly stated.

"Uh, o-o-okay. But-But you promise to-to be there t-tomorrow, right?" She asked. I answered with a small 'I promise' before the smaller girl begrudgingly agreed. "Best f-friends have to-have to keep their promises. I-I'll be really sad if you-if you don't come with m-me. Real sad." I softly smiled at her words before she was eventually ready to say her goodbyes. "B-Bye, Y/N. I-I will see you tomorrow, o-okay? You promise right?" My heart started fluttering at the thought that I already meant that much to her for her to be this concerned about me showing up. I gathered the important things I needed for my last appointments before focusing back on Lauren.

"Yes Lauren, I promise to be there. I'll see you then, bye." I waited to see if Lauren would hang up but instead I heard her telling her mom that we were done talking, and I heard rustling on the other line but no other voices so I took the initiative to hang up as a wide smile took over my face. A couple minutes later Normani came into my office with her vitals done, now she was just waiting for me to go back in with her. She handed me the patient records before the two of us finished making our rounds for the day.


As I parked my car in the familiar parking lot, I got out only to spot the Jauregui's car right at the front. I had an idea what was going on inside because I had hit traffic and was late. I rushed in and my suspicions were right as I heard Lauren arguing with whoever was trying to talk to her. The closer I got I realized that the chiropractor was trying to get her into a room but the younger girl sat in her chair. "I-I'm waiting for my-for my best friend. Y/N pr-promised to be here." I made my presence known by calling Lauren's name as I walked up to her side. Immediately she smiled and jumped out of her chair to hug me. "Y/N!" She squealed. "Yo-You're here! I thought-I thought you weren't coming."

"I'm sorry I'm late." I apologized as I rubbed Lauren's back. "I promised I'd be here." Clara seemed extremely relieved to see me as the chiropractor looked between Lauren and I in confusion. I motioned for him to lead the way as I walked behind him, Lauren still clinging onto me. As we were walking Lauren grabbed my hand only to hold it against her own face. The smaller girl leaned into my touch with a smile on her face and her eyes closed. "Alright Lauren lay down, he's going to try to fix your back." I pointed to the small bed-like table but Lauren shook her head.

"No." She simply stated. The chiropractor waited for the smaller girl patiently and quietly. I took the initiative to walk next to the table where I waited for Lauren to lay down. She clung onto me even tighter if that was possible. Clara had stayed behind in the waiting room leaving just the three of us in here. "I-I missed you Y-Y/N." Lauren mumbled against my shoulder. I smiled to myself at her words.

Pure Innocence (Lauren/You)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن