"They go into your ears." I demonstrated by opening them up and placing them in my ears, holding up the opposite side. "This side lets you hear someone's heartbeat and their breathing." I took the stethoscope out of my ears and held it up once again. Before I could continue Lauren cut me off with her own question.

"Why would you need to listen-to listen to someone's heart-heartbeat." She stuttered. As time passed by she seemed to become more relaxed. The action was causing a smile to break out on my face. She even leaned forward to inspect the instrument.

"If someone's heartbeat is too fast, or too slow, then there could be a problem. Same with their breathing, so I'd have to know so that I can fix it." I knew Lauren wanted to see them so I placed the stethoscope in her hands softly. "You can try them. Here, you can listen to my heartbeat." I offered. I helped Lauren place them in her ears the right way and I placed the other end on my chest, right above my heart. It was silent.

"Mom! I can-I can hear it! It's-it's her heartbeat!" Lauren cheered. I smiled when she tried to get her mom to listen too. The smaller girl took the stethoscope out of her ears and looked at them in pure amazement. She looked back at me with the biggest smile on her face.

"Do you want to listen to your own heartbeat?" I asked. Lauren nodded erratically so I placed the other end on her chest when she placed it back in her ears. I waited until she was cheering again that she heard it. When she took it out of her ears she practically shoved it back in my face.

"Listen! Is it-is it bad? Do I need-need to be fixed?" She questioned rapidly. I mentally cheered to myself that I was able to take her vitals. I listened to her heartbeat and looked at my watch for six seconds. I counted the beats and added a zero on the end to see what it would've been for her total heartbeats in a minute. I wrote it down on my paper after I expressed to Lauren that it was perfectly normal.

"Can I listen to your breathing now? I have to make sure that's okay too." I asked softly. Once again Lauren nodded eagerly but instead of just handing me the stethoscope she decided to put it in my ears herself. "Alright Lauren can you lean forward for me? I have to listen to your lungs but I can only hear if I can place this part on your back." I showed her the opposite end of the stethoscope so she wouldn't be surprised by it.

The smaller girl followed as I said and leaned forward. "Can I have you take a deep breath for me?" I asked. Lauren breathed in deeply from her mouth and released her breath the same way. "Again, please." I moved the stethoscope and had her repeat the same process a couple more times as I went down the expanse of her back. "Your breathing is perfectly normal as well. Can you come sit down on the table?" I pointed to the examination table.

"I uh-I want my mom with me-with me though." Lauren spoke quietly. I looked over at Clara expectantly and she was quick to nod her head, belong Lauren to stand up and sit back down on the examination table. While she was sitting there Lauren held onto her mother's hand as she kicked her feet back and forth.

"I'm going to use this light," I held up the instrument in my hand. "To look into your eyes first. If that's okay. Do you want to use it first?" I held it up to Lauren. Her fingers brushed against mine as she took the instrument and examined it. She nearly blinded herself when she pointed the light in her eye causing me to hold in my laugh. Even Clara had to prevent herself from laughing.

"Oww. That-that hurt. Is it gonna-gonna hurt when you-when you do it?" Lauren handed me the instrument again. I shook my head with a smile. The green eyed girl started biting at her nails while rocking back and forth.

Pure Innocence (Lauren/You)Where stories live. Discover now