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Six months later

Renee’s parents decided to sell the house after the ordeal she went through. She moved next door to Adam’s house. She would keep working for now, but wouldn’t work as a nurse for much longer. She had other things she needed to take care of.

Friends were coming over today. They had much to talk about and even to celebrate. Life’s little wrench in the works had not deterred any of them, especially Renee. She’d found out only a few weeks after Adam had been shot that she conceived on their wedding night. That was a bittersweet memory for her, but life would work out for the best, she was convinced.

. . . . .

Matt and Terry Thompson walked onto the patio, where Renee’s neighbors, Larry, Kathy, Ned, and Joan had the grill smoking, and more food than an army could eat. “Hey y’all!” She greeted them with a hug.

“Renee, your hair grew back so fast.” Renee had dyed it back to her natural color until it grew out. Terry put her hands on Renee’s baby bump. “You’re positively glowing!”

“Thanks!” She beamed. It had been a difficult time these last few months, but her smile didn’t fade.

Lola and Will Harris and their two children were next to walk in. Will was finally able to walk without crutches or a cane. After the gunshot to his leg, he spent weeks in rehab and used a wheel chair. He still limped on that leg, but the other one didn’t seem like it had ever been injured at all. Renee was finally able to meet Lola in person. They’d become great friends over the phone frequently and e-mailed at least once a week. Lola’s belly was quite large, as she was due in a month. They hugged and exchanged greetings.

Joe and Cammie Holbrook were right on their heels. “Renee: this is my wife,” Joe introduced them to one another, and beamed like she’d not seen him do since she’d met him. Renee hugged her. “I’ve heard so much about you. I’m glad you two are together again. Joe seems so much nicer when you’re around.” They laughed at his expense. He kept smiling. He had a great reason to.

“Renee, I feel like we’ve known each other for years. When’s everyone gonna get here? We have something to tell y’all but we don’ wanna spole it.” Renee already knew. It was written all over Cammie’s face.

Natasha and Amanda came in with the team from D.C.: Max, Leroy, Paul, and Jeff. They were the ones standing with Joe when he fired the shot that finally stopped Ben Jenkins.

Paul walked next to Amanda. “How’s it going? Any more madmen take you prisoner since Jenkins?” She laughed with him. He was really nice. “Nope, and I think for a little while there, the captive held him hostage.” She laughed loudly. Paul’s face perked up. He thought she had a wonderful laugh. “Seems like Leroy and Natasha are doing pretty well, huh? I am so happy for her. She’s been through enough already. She needs a strong man.”

“Well, not to toot my friend’s horn, but he’s a great guy. He’ll do right by her, I think.”

. . . . .

Since Joe had the whole team together, he might as well ask them what they thought. “Remember us talking about making our own protective security team?” Nods and yesses came from everyone. The wives who weren’t there knew what he was talking about, as well. “I was wondering what you thought of Semper Fi Security?”

“Well, yeah! That’s perfect. But, Renee’s not a Marine? Will she be okay with that?”

She offered her opinion before going inside. “I am great with Semper Fi! If it weren’t for the faithfulness of this team right here, I’d be dead. My life would not be what it is. You guys took me in and loved me through some of the hardest days of my life. Especially when...” She broke off, trying not to cry.

Terry offered her a hug. “What’d we all tell you? You’re part of the family, right? You’re stuck with us, so like it or lump it, we’re here for you!” That didn’t help Renee keep the tears at bay. When she finally took control of her tears, she decided, “Semper Fi Security it is! With a team like this, no one will ever be in harm’s way for long! OORAH!”

The “OORAH!” resounded throughout the gathering.

. . . . .

Renee ran into the house. “Everyone’s outside. Are you ready?”

“Not before you answer a question.”

“What’s that?”

 “We’ve been married six months. Are you happy?” An all too serious look questioned her.

“Sweetie, of course I’m happy. Marrying you was the best thing that I’ve ever done. Why are you asking me this now?” She was a little put off by his question. “Remember? I said if we weren’t convinced it was right, we’d walk away? Well, it's right and I’m not going anywhere. You are the greatest gift God has ever given me.” She kissed her wonderful husband and helped him put his left-sided prosthetic arm on. “I know it’s hard for you, Adam. The team’s here because of you. You gave us all quite a scare.”

“Well, I’m glad you were there to assist.”

“Doctor J. had no choice. Even if I was to do nothing else in that operating room but hold your hand and whisper my love, I was going to be there. Turns out, he did need my help. That bullet was meant for your heart. You should’ve died that day. How it ended up in your arm, I don’t know. I think a guardian angel must’ve deflected it.”

“I went to combat multiple times and came away unscathed. This bullet takes my arm and I now don’t feel whole. It makes no sense.” He seemed distressed. They’d discussed this many times, especially during his lengthy hospital stay, therapies that were exhausting, and finally with his prosthetic limb and all that entailed learning to use it.

“It’s the amount of damage it did to you. You could very easily have died from this injury the same way you surely would’ve if it had gone into your chest. Your physical therapist said it won’t be too much longer and you’ll be back to your old self.”

"I won't ever be "my old self" again. Too much has happened. But, it's not all bad."

"No, it's pretty good, if you ask me." Renee could still make his heartrate accelerate with the simplest words.

“One more thing, Ren, before we go out?”

She let out an exasperated sigh. “What’s that honey?” She said rolling her eyes with a teasing smile.

He pulled her onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her growing midsection. She smiled while looking into his eyes and then he slowly kissed her neck.

"Keep that up and our friends will wonder what's keeping us so long." She raised her eye brows in a provocative way and giggled in a low voice.

"Let 'em wonder! I've got my dream girl sitting on my lap. I love you. Welcome to the first day of the rest of our life. We finally get to live our happily ever after.”

Thunder Storms (#1 - Semper Fi Series)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang