Part V

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Three very restless hours later, Renee roused from sleep. Food was a sudden necessity, as was showering. “I’m getting food first.”

She made her way to the kitchen. CRACK! Thunder! “Gotta love South Georgia in the spring.” She mused aloud. The rain kept everything beautiful, until the heat kicked in. “One-one thousand, two-one thousand, three-one, four-one thou...” Lightning struck. “It’s about four miles away, or so. Maybe it won’t be bad this time.” Renee first started coffee, then put a pan on her gas stove and cracked six egg whites into it. She grabbed some ready-made onions and bell peppers to throw into her omelet, and seasoned it with sea salt and black pepper, and a hint of garlic for extra flavor. Then she grabbed turkey sausage patties and quickly cut them into small pieces and threw them in the pan with the eggs. While that finished cooking, she poured a glass of orange juice. Two slices of whole wheat/ whole grain bread went into the toaster. She reached for the butter... CRACK! She dropped the glass butter dish on the floor, shattering the lid, and her nerves. “Deep breaths, Renee, take deep breaths. It’s only thunder.” Since Jaden’s shooting, Renee didn’t do well with loud noises. Thunder was one that caused her skittish nature to surface. She cleaned up the glass, took the food out of the frying pan before it burned, and made a cup of coffee. She pulled a plate from the dishwasher, and placed her food there. Then, walking to the couch to eat, the lights went out! “Great! Again! The boonies are starting to wear on my last nerve.”

She sat in the dark, eating her food. “Maybe I should call Adam. At least I’d have company.” She dialed his number. The phone rang four times before he answered. “Hartman Mechanics. This is Adam!”

“Adam? This is Renee! I was calling to see if you still had power?” Renee asked, sheepishly.

“It just went out. Are you doing okay?” He sounded concerned.

“Yes. I was just sitting here, eating some breakfast. I had planned on showering afterwards, but don’t wanna do that in the dark. Do you feel like driving over and keeping me company? I’m really not in the mood to sit this stupid storm ou...” CRASH! Renee screamed! “Sorry. I hate thunder. I was trying to say I don’t want... Hello?”

Two minutes later, there was a knock on the door! “Renee? You okay? It’s Adam! I got worried when you screamed.” He found her in the living room. Renee placed her plate and cup on the coffee table, and then hugged Adam with a fierce need to be held. “Sweetie, it’s okay!” She didn’t have the heart to explain to him why she was so afraid right that minute.

“Sorry, Adam. I’m just overly emotional right now. I hate storms. Loud noises have always bothered me, but for some reason, today is worse than usual.” Renee confessed.

“I’m glad you called me. I’m here for you, neighbor.” She started crying when he said that, and he put his arms around her and hugged her again. “No need to cry. You’re safe. I won’t let you get hurt.” Adam’s calm voice soothed her frayed nerves.

Renee still couldn’t tell him about the note, or the unexpected visit from her EX-fiancé.  The less he knew the better, in her thinking. She had not stopped hugging him. He reached up, and with trepidation, smoothed her hair. She timidly reached up and kissed him on the cheek. He smiled at her. “Thank you for rescuing me, Adam. Some days, a girl just needs a hero.” Awkwardly, they terminated the hug but continued to stand very close to one another. She searched his eyes, and saw a new depth of emotion in them. She whispered, “Adam? What’s going on?”

“I was just thinking; I wonder what it would be like to kiss you, that’s all.” He said in a deep, husky, breathless voice. He bent his head down. His breathing was fast and shallow as he hovered his lips over hers, gauging her response before continuing. She responded by wrapping her arms around his neck and leaning into him, completing the contact. The kiss deepened so intensely that Renee lost all sense of clear thinking. He pulled her closer into the embrace. Suddenly, she pulled out of the kiss, and put her hands in her pockets.

Thunder Storms (#1 - Semper Fi Series)Where stories live. Discover now