Part XVI

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Cammie Holbrook was startled awake. She hadn’t heard from Joe in a while. Though separated, he still had her heart. She couldn’t handle the deployments and the constant danger he faced. Loving a Marine had difficulties for sure. She missed him most days, though. She even thought about going to see him in Atlanta a time or two.

Something seemed wrong. She would call him first thing in the morning. She said a prayer of safety for him, and went to wash her face.

Going back to her room, determined to get back to sleep, she settled into her bed. Her cellphone rang.

“Hello?” She answered sleepily.

“Hey, baby. It’s Joe.”

“It’s good to hear your voice. How are you doing?”

“I’m doing alright. Did I wake you?”

“No. I must’ve been having a bad dream or something. I was just settling back into bed when you called.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. I wanted to tell you how much I miss you, and that I love you.”

“Joey, what’s going on, honey?” She was always the only one who could call him Joey.

“Adam got married tonight. I was reminded of our wedding. More importantly, Will is in the hospital. We’re helping a friend out, and the guy we’re trying to bring to justice was the perpetrator. He ran Will over. I’m on my way to see him now. I needed to hear your voice. It’s a pretty dangerous situation.”

“Joey, when I woke up, I felt like I needed to pray for your safety. Now I know why. I will keep doing that. You be safe, baby. I wanna see you again, sooner than later. I’ve been thinking about you, about us, alot lately. I miss you. I miss us. I’m sorry I didn’t stick it out.”

“Don’t be sorry, Cammie. It’s okay. Not everyone is meant for military life. We’ll talk about that later. I miss you, too. You may wanna call Lola. Terry’s in on the mission. I won’t say more about it than that. This guy is somehow able to listen to our phone calls. Just know that I love you and as soon as this is over, I’m coming to see you.”

“I can’t wait to see you, Joey.” Joe thought he heard a sniff.

“Don’t cry, baby. It’s gonna be alright. I love you, okay? I will call you soon.”

“I love you, too, Joe. I’m praying for you. Be safe. If you have to pick between his life and yours, pick his, okay?” Joe chuckled at that. Renee had said the same thing when describing him.

“You got it, babe. I love you. I can’t say it enough.”

“I like hearing it, so you can say it as often as you feel the need. Call me. Soon. I love you, too. Tell Will and Lola I said hi. Say hey to the whole team for me. Y’all be safe. I’m praying for everyone. Goodnight, Joey.”

“Goodnight, sweetheart.”

. . . . .

Joe parked his car as he hung up with Cammie. That girl could still get to his heart. She’d always been a sweet one, and that hasn’t changed. Joe decided to try and put their relationship back together as soon as Jenkins was captured and behind bars. He hoped they were able to take him down alive, but he had his doubts. The only way to stop the guy would probably be with a bullet, but Joe didn’t like killing anybody. He would, though, if there was no other way.

He made his way to the E.R. and asked to see Will. “And I suppose you a part of the family, too?” The secretary asked. He gave her a look that asked what she meant. “I ain’t ever seen so many white people call a black man they family, that’s all. I’ll ask the nurse to ask Mrs. Harris if you’re allowed. One moment, please.” She called the nurses’ station, then nodded her head to Joe. “If that don’ beat all. That’s the way it should be. Go right through da double doors, and da nurse will show ya where ta find ‘em. Have a good night.”

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