Part VI

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After working a twelve hour shift, Renee was ready to head home. She had to stop at the mega shopping center on her way. Food was scarce at home, and she needed to replenish. Coffee was short, too. With the extra she’d been making, she needed more sooner than later. Her cell phone rang. She groaned. She looked at the number before answering, a habit she’d picked up on Active Duty. Not recognizing the number, she decided to answer anyway.

“Renee Alexander?”

“Hi, sweetie! Long time no speak,” came the voice on the other end.

Stifling a scream, for fear she might invite unwanted questions from fellow shoppers, she tried to calmly talk. “How did you get this number?”

He answered in an eerily sweet voice, “Come on, honey. You should know by now that I can always find you. I’ve missed you!”

“Leave me alone. I am not your honey!” She answered a bit too loudly, and a few people on the same aisle nervously looked her way. Lowering her voice, she continued: “Do not call me again, or I will have a restraining order on you faster than you can hang the phone up! Am I clear?”

“Yes, but you know I want to make up. Why do you keep running from me? You know I love you!”

“Your idea of love is possessive, obsessive, and outright creepy. Leave me alone! Goo...”

“Before you hang up, Renee, I want you to know that I know where you are. I commend you for not getting terribly loud in the store. People will think you’re crazy!”

“The only one they’d think is crazy is the one I’m hanging up on!” And she closed the phone. She blocked the number but wondered if he had her home number as well. A stop by the county sheriff’s office was next. Unscheduled though it was, it was necessary. Then she’d go by the phone store and have her cell number changed. She finished shopping for necessities, but cut the trip short.

. . . . .

At the Sheriff’s department, Renee spoke to a Deputy who looked like he’d graduated High School last week.

“I need to put out a restraining order.” She told the deputy the whole story, and why it was a necessity. “I’m afraid for my life.”

“Miss Alexander, unfortunately, until he is clearly a threat, we can’t do much. We suggest you change your number, and make sure you’re not alone. We will do our best to help you, but this just isn’t very much to go on.” This was not what she needed, or wanted, to hear.

“Any other asinine suggestions you’d like to give me? That one I had already figured out. How do I keep this maniac from following me home? If he’s called my cell, he is in town. If he’s in town, there’s no stopping him. He’s killed before, and won’t hesitate to do so again. I think you need to try harder, Deputy!” She spat out the word Deputy.

“Do you have family in town? Maybe they are willing to help?” He replied, keeping his calm demeanor.

“No! I don’t. My brother lives in Kentucky and my folks live in the Bahamas of all places. Any more clever ones you want to throw out for me to shoot down? I’m freaked out here and you’re not taking me seriously! I’m not one to give into anxiety, but I have a reason to panic!” She was ready to storm out! “Look! I keep weapons, and yes, I’m registered. I was Active Duty. I’m no stranger to firing a gun, or to danger. If I say this guy is serious trouble, I mean he’s a deadly threat. I don’t think I can put it any more plainly than that! Do I have your back up or don’t I?”

She glared at him! Fatigue was setting in, and panic was trying. She suddenly thought of Adam and how he made her feel yesterday. She would be safe, until the ex found out where she lived, or about Adam. Then all of Hades would break loose!

“I can see if we can send a patrol to check on your place every now and again, but because of where you live, that’s not possible very often. We will do what we can. You can file for the order, but it may be denied for lack of evidence.”

Renee felt like steam would erupt from her ears for the anger building inside of her. “Go ahead and file it, then. Don’t be surprised if the body count goes up in this Podunk town. I know this man. I was engaged to him. He’s not a joke, and he’s not afraid of anyone! You’ve been warned!” And she stomped out of the office.

Her next stop was the phone store. Changing her number was not an issue; neither was making it a private number. This was complicating her life, and her nerves were worn. She made sure she wasn’t followed and took a long time to get home. And tired did not begin to describe her state as of that moment. She’d have to take an over-the-counter night time medication to sleep today.

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