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"jimin? wake up."

i hear someone's voice speak into my head. "jimin!"

my eyes shot open as i saw jaeeun's face up close to mine.

"am i not dead yet?" i whispered softly.

"what do you mean 'am i not dead yet?' wHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO YOURSELF?!" she exclaimed as she flailed her arms around her.

i let out a soft exhausted sigh before sitting up on my bed. "i just want to die. can't god grant me that wish?" i muttered to myself.

it got all quiet in the room before jaeeun sat herself on the edge of my bed.

"why do you want to die so badly?" the words came out from her mouth so softly. it was until then i turned my head to face her, my eyes looking directly into her eyes. for a moment there, i almost got distracted by... how pretty she was even for a person who isn't real... which then reminded me that none of this was real. so i shook the thought away.

"because i honestly believe i am what everyone calls me. worthless, chubby, fat, ugly, not-needed... a nobody! they say i should rot and die already. i'm just disappointing them for still being alive," i told her.

"i'm sure that isn't true," she began to say.

"but it is!" i said raising my voice at her, but then quickly retreated back.

"i just want... to have someone close by me without being mistreated so much. i don't know what i did to deserve what i get now," i softly said as i looked away from her stare. "it must be nice to not exist like you. you don't have anything to worry about."

"that's not true! i mean... i do have things i worry about," she said. "like how did you get that cut on the corner of your lip?"

i stopped and thought about earlier. "i fell."

"your used-to-be friends did that to you, right?" she asked.

"how is it you know everything?"

"not the point. look, jimin. if you want something done, you got to take action. tell someone! heck, tell a teacher, a trusted adult! your mother," she exclaimed.

"it's not that easy. you just make it sound easy," i muttered softly.

"then tell me." i slowly turned my head back once more to see jaeeun staring back at me.

"and why would i?"

"because there's no one else i could tell this to about. even if i wanted to tell your mother, i can't. i'm not even real," she softly said. i watched as she looked sadly at me as she spoke.

"whatever you want to say, tell me. talking it out always helps. i'm your guardian angel, remember?" she said giving a small chuckle. i couldn't but actually smile for the first time. for a nonrealistic person, she sure does know how to make the mood better.

"jaeeun... can i actually trust you?" i softly asked as i looked at her. her eyes met mine and instantly, some sort of connection sparked. it was weird at first, but it was something.

"you can trust me jimin." she held out her pinky towards me before giving a small smile. i looked at it hesitantly and finally gave in, connecting my pinky with her's.

jaeeun, my new friend who i could only meet in my dreams.

friends, do i have any? ))):

 𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚙𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚜 | 𝚙.𝚓𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚗Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora