Chapter 6

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Once again there was the desk. All that was on it were three notes, and a sign that said pick only one, each one says something different. One tells you about this world, one tells you about why you are here, and one tells you about the girl. Choose wisely. Each note was a different color with a different symbol on it. The one to the left was blue with a house on it, the one in the center is pink with a door on it, and the last one was a slight grey shade with a compass on it. You look at all of them wondering which would be which. You look at Okami to she what she thinks about it, but she's laying down asleep. You think about the one you would want the most and the one that you would want the least. You decide that you would want the one about the girl the most and the one about this world that you are now in the least. So you look at the notes very carefully. And try to think if the colors mean anything or if maybe the symbols mean anything. You can't figure it out so you decide on the blue one with the house on it. You pick it up and as soon as you do all the other notes disappear. And a sign on the table tells you that you have chose the one that explains why you're here. Its not your first choice but it's not your last choice either so you can't complain. In fact you would have rather had all of them to be honest. But that wasn't an option. You sit on the ground and open the note. Here is what it says "You are one of the many who have been brought here, you are not the first and you won't be the last. Every person who is brought here is here for their own reason and for one other reason, but the other i can not say. For that is not the question i need to answer. And you might be thinking oh well that's not fair. But you will soon realize that many things are not fair. Like how im supposed to tell you why you're here. But all i'm gonna say is that you will find that out on your own in time. From, a person you do not know." you read the note again. And once more just to make sure that's what it truely said. You can't believe it. The only thing that you learned from this was that there are others here. Not just the girl. And that you were all here for one reason. So maybe you could find someone and ask them if they know why we're here. 

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