Chapter 16

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You finally get close enough to see what the pink dot is. It seems to be a hole in the "floor"? You don't want to call it a floor since it's not. But you don't want to call it ground since it's not the ground either. So you suppose it is just a hole in the area. You, Okami, Satoshi and Taka get to the mystery hole. You and Satoshi look at each other then look down the hole. All you see is a sky blue. But not the same blue as where you were now. This blue seemed to have depth and different shades. It wasn't just all one color forever. You lean in a bit to try to see more and you see grass. You hadn't gone crazy earlier you had seen grass. You tell Satoshi about it with lots of excitement. He looks at you. Just a dead type look. And you start to feel a bit nervous and uncomfortable. You put your hand on his shoulder and ask him if he's ok. Similar to what he did to you earlier. He blinks rapidly and seems to snap out of his dead eye state of mind. And he says yes and sorry. You say it's fine. You tell him again about what you saw, and told him that maybe you all should try to get to the other side. He says maybe but how. And you think. There is a chance that there is reversed gravity on the other side. But then again maybe there isn't and it could just lead you all to your deaths. Well everyone but maybe Taka. Since she can fly and all. Well you stick your leg through the hole and try to see if it will stay on the grassy area or if it won't. It seems to stay pretty well. So you bring your leg back over and tell Satoshi to hold your ankles to make sure you don't fall to your death. You make sure he has a really good grip before you try and attempt to go to the other side. You seem to be fine so you take a deep breath and close your eyes and tell him to let go. Your legs feel like they are falling but the rest of you is fine. So you shimmy out onto the grass so your legs stop dangling. And you are now on the other side. You tell Satoshi that you are fine and tell him and everyone else to come over to the otherside. Taka comes first. Satoshi and you help Okami get to the otherside. And then Satoshi comes to the otherside. You all look around, seeing grass puts smiles on all of your faces. Okami rolls around in the grass. And Taka flies up and lets the breeze carry her wings. And you and Satoshi lay in the grass and stare at the sky and clouds. Isn't it beautiful? You ask Satoshi. He doesn't say a thing, you look over and you see a giant smile and tears rolling down his face. He looks as if he is experiencing true happiness for the first time in forever. You smile and close your eyes and while listening to the sound of the breeze, and feeling the warmth of the sun. You drift to sleep. Okami plops on top of you, and you are startled awake. She has this kind of smug grin on her face. You look around, you see the grass and the sky and you forget where you really are for a minute. You look over to Satoshi he's laying down sleeping. He still has a giant smile on his face. You pet Okami's fur. And you just look up at the clouds making shapes out of the obscure distant shapes. While doing so your mind starts to wonder. You start to think about home, about the table thing, the warnings, the note. You can't make sense to it all. You close your eyes. And for that small moment of closing your eyes you were back in the room with the girl.

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