Chapter 1

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A girl stands in the middle of the room, she is staring right at you. You look for an exit or if anyone else is in the room. There is one window and there is no one else in the room. It is only you and the girl. The girl is about 5'4 and she is wearing a blue shirt with a white skirt with blue flowers around the bottom half of the skirt. Her shoes where a navy blue. Her hair was long and down to her hips it was a golden blonde. Her eyes were a very dark brown. She looked like she was about 13-14 and she was just staring at you. You and the girl just stare at each other for what seems to be like for hours. The only way you can describe what it was like the girl was staring into your soul. Like she was finding out your darkest secrets. After you were done staring at each other, you noticed that the room had changed. The room used to be a very dark blue, now it was a light pink and the room was lighter and there was a door. You head toward the door only to find that it's only a painting of a door. Yet it seems so real. You turn the knob and it opens. You wish you had just stayed in the room with the nameless girl. You try to turn back and there's nothing there. You head forward, not knowing what to expect. You see the girl again in the darkness. She waves to you... you don't know if you should wave back or not. You try to turn around but something or someone is pushing you toward the girl. You try to fight whatever it is, but there is no use. Without even fully realizing it you were in front of the girl. She smiled, then pointed into a direction in the abyss of the dark. You look at where she pointed and then look back at the girl. 

The DarknessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon