YouTuber (Josh)

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Photo is completely unrelated. I just wanted everyone to appreciate how bloody adorable these two are.

 I just wanted everyone to appreciate how bloody adorable these two are

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'...I don't get how you could just sit in your room by yourself talking to a camera. Doesn't it feel uncomfortable?'
'Not really. I sorta grew up taking to people over the internet and on Skype so it's not too awkward.' I smiled, opening the front door to my apartment and stepping inside. Behind me was my friend Josh who had decided to visit me. I hadn't seen him in a while since he was always busy with work but since leaving the band he was in, he had more free time. I threw my keys over to the kitchen bench which was the only thing separating it from the lounge room. My place was pretty clean since I had developed a crippling need for cleanliness. When one thing was out of place, I went insane.
'It's so clean, what happened? Last time I saw you, you had your pants hanging off the lampshade and coke cans all over the floor.' He commented, following me as I slipped off my black hoodie and carried it over to a tall jacket rack that resided against the wall.
'Things change, I guess. It has been a while since I've seen you. I have a lot of time to clean up and manage my life now.' I replied, gesturing for Josh to hang his jacket before I stepped silently into the kitchen and clicked the kettle on. 'Coffee?'
'Yes-fucking-please.' Josh groaned before slipping his shoes off and carefully placing them beside the front door. He pulled at the arms of his jacket, dragging them downwards until he was able to shrug his jacket off. He hung it up before shuffling into the kitchen beside me, peering over my shoulder at what I was doing. I stood here, watching the kettle as it boiled the water inside.
'Why're you watching the kettle?'
'I already put coffee and sugar in your mug so now I'm waiting.' I spoke bluntly.
'It'll take a minute. Why not sit on the couch and talk to me about what you've been up to?' He sounded concerned yet I couldn't understand why.
'You're probably right. Sorry,'s very boring around here. I'm slowly losing my mind.' I smiled, turning around and taking in the sight of my slightly taller friend. He hadn't changed much besides his hair. Last time I saw him, his hair was about shoulder length but now it was much shorter than that. It was black with tattoos on his scalp yet with his hair you could barely notice. He didn't look as metal as he used to which was a shame but he was still adorable nonetheless. His cheeks really got me. He was the cute kind of chubby, the kind that compelled me to pinch his cheeks like a grandma. I held myself back and instead followed him into the lounge room. The moment we sat down on the couch, I reached for the TV remote and clicked it on to whatever was playing. 'Pick a number.' I instructed him.
'I don't think there's a channel 666.' I snickered. We always did that. When looking for something to play on the tv, I'd tell him to pick a number and I'd go to that channel number. It was fun seeing what was playing.
'Adult Swim. Good choice.' I smiled, pressing the numbers on the remote before hearing the kettle click off. I stood up, placing the remote back down on the exact spot I got it from and skipping off to the kitchen.
'Fuck yes, Rick and Morty is playing!' He exclaimed. I had missed his excitement. He and I used to be so crazy, going to parties and getting drunk. Now I just stayed inside recording and editing videos, cleaning, rewatching movies and tv shows, memorising them. I poured the boiling water into his mug before opening the fridge and grabbing myself a Coke Zero before taking both our drinks back into the lounge room. Josh was happily humming along to the intro to the quirky little show as I sat down beside him and set both of our drinks down on the coffee table in front of us. 'After all these years, you're still drowning yourself in Coke.'
'I have a very bad addiction.'

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