
177 13 3

"What the f*** Mikey?"
Sent at 11:26 p.m

Gerard stared down at his phone screen mentally cursing out the younger Way. Gerard slowly opened the door to his parents house mentally preparing himself to scream at his younger brother. You see, Mikey had agreed to pick up his older brother from the other side of town but obviously things didn't go to plan. And to make matters even worse, Gerard missed the only bus that was heading to his side of town.

Slowly making his way towards the living room Gerard was greeted with the sleeping silhouette of the one and only Mikey Way. Setting his bags down on to the floor, Gerard crept his way to the couch his brother was peacefully sleeping on. Curling his fingers around the younger ones wrist, he did a mental countdown and swung his arm behind him as hard as he could, causing Mikey to collapse onto the wooden floor.

"Ow." Mikey rubs his shoulder while sending death glares at his older brother. "Why would you do that?"

"Well considering that you left me to walk all by myself at night..." Gerard stops midway to send glares at his brother. "I think you deserved that. I could have been kidnapped for all you know, and it would have been.." Pointing a finger at Mikey. "Your fault."

Rolling his eyes, Mikey stood up from the floor and walked into the next room. The brothers loved each other to pieces but sometimes Gee can get annoying. It's not Mikey's fault that he couldn't pick up his brother from the other side of town. Thanks to Pete Wentz. Pete had came knocking on their parents door and practically begged Mikey to borrow his car, supposedly it was important. Poor Mikey just couldn't say no to that face.
After arguing with his brother Gerard lay there on his bed soaking wet from his shower. Gerard was bored and wasn't in the mood to make anymore art. After a while Gerard came up with the stupid idea of calling his best friend Lindsey Ballato. Currently it was 3:27 a.m and Lindsey was most likely asleep.
After a while of ringing a raspy voice came in from the other side of the magical device called the iPhone.
"The hell do you want?" Spat Lindsey pissed off after being woken up from her peaceful slumber.

"To talk to the most beautiful and amazing best friend in the whole wide world."

"Bye." And with that Gee was left with no one to talk to.

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