Chapter 13 - Blaze

Start from the beginning

"I know," I whispered, finally looking back up and into his eyes.

"We will go to war before I let anyone lay a hand on you."

I smiled at him, fully appreciating my mate. The Moon Goddess had truly blessed me.

I stood on my toes to press a soft kiss to Elijah's lips. He leaned down ever so slightly to meet me half way and close the kiss. Sparks flew through my body, causing me to sigh in the middle of our kiss. I'd never thought such a simple gesture could calm me so easily.

"I have a feeling things are going to continue to intensify around here," Elijah said. "So, I was thinking we could spend the evening together, just the two of us."

I cocked an eyebrow at him as a mischievous grin played at my lips, "And just what did you have in mind?"

"That's my secret," Elijah whispered against my lips engulfing me in another breath-taking kiss. "Why don't you go upstairs and freshen up. Meet me out front when you're ready."

I nodded, suddenly feeling like a giddy school girl. What did this mate of mine have up his sleeve? Last time, I was the one trying to plan a special evening for the two of us. It'd never occurred to me that I hadn't yet given him the chance to do the same, and I'm sure it had secretly been bothering him.

I quickly left his office, wanting to waste no time getting ready for whatever it was he had planned, but at the same time I worried that if I got ready too hastily, that it wouldn't give Elijah enough time to do whatever he needed to do. I decided to work carefully and effectively. After all, I didn't know the exact occasion? How should I dress?

Once I reached the Alpha's wing, I darted for our bedroom and threw open the closet doors, rummaging through every article of clothing that Daphne and I had picked out on our shopping trip that now seemed to have been many moons ago. I'd gotten an outfit for every possible occasion, from sexy to professional, yet I still couldn't decide.

"At least tell me what I should wear," I mind-linked Elijah, feeling at a loss of ideas. Fashion wasn't exactly a priority for a rogue. I'd only recently began to care how I looked.

"Casual and warm. Whatever you'd like to wear will be perfect, my little Luna," Elijah replied. He seemed so calm – not at all like a man who was throwing together a last-minute surprise for his mate.

I furrowed my eyebrows even though I knew he couldn't see my confused expression. Had I really expected him to be helpful? 'Casual and warm' – really? We live in Polar Moon, in the middle of the arctic. I doubted anyone owned clothing that wasn't warm.

I tugged a sweater dress off a nearby hanger and quickly slipped it on before turning around to face the mirror, "He said casual, Lena, don't be a fucking idiot," I mumbled to myself.

I pulled off the sweater dress and instead turned towards my collection of pants. I grabbed a pair of my leggings that were thick and nicer than the standard casual clothing item. I quickly slipped those on and began to search through my shirts for a simple sweater or long-sleeve blouse.

In the end, I decided on the black pants and a light-blue sweater that matched my eyes rather well. I remembered Elijah telling me before that he liked me in blue, so I felt it was an appropriate choice.

After going into the bathroom to touch up my very minimal makeup and brush through my hair, I decided it was time to go outside and meet Elijah. Surely, he would be ready by now, but if not, it was too damn bad. I was excited and ready.

As a rogue, I'd never been one for surprises. Surprises were not often associated with positive experiences when you lived life as a rogue, but just like with many other things, that seemed to have changed about me now that I was with my mate. In the past, not knowing what I was walking into would've made me an anxious mess and rather defensive. Part of me still felt that way at the very back of my mind, but mostly, I was excited. Spending time with Elijah had slowly become one of my favorite things, and with how kind and considerate he always was towards me, I couldn't begin to imagine what he might have in store for out evening together.

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