"Nah, you're growing on me." He said with a small smile.

I ignored what I felt when I heard him say that, I can't feel like this. "If I gave you the baby, would you leave me alone?"

He cocked his head to the side and frowned at me in confusion. "What do you mean?"

I took in a deep breath before I continued. "When the baby is born and I give it to you, will you leave me alone? Will you take the baby and just leave?"

"You're the baby's mother. Why do you think I would take the baby from you?" He asked still not understanding what I was trying to say.

"Because I'll give it up to you." I whispered, flinching as I saw the anger in his eyes.


"Why? Because of you! You're a freaking Werewolf and I'm pretty sure whatever is growing inside me is one too!"

"Have you lost your mind? Is that what your friend was hyperventilating over? You don't want the baby?" He questioned looking furious and shocked.

"I don't know if I want it, okay! What I'm I supposed to think or do? I'm carrying a Werewolf!"

He shakes his head. "You were thinking of giving up your child? How could you? What were you planning on doing, giving it up for adoption?"

"Yeah, probably."

"How fucking selfish are you? That's my baby too!" He roared as he clenched his fists.

"I didn't ask for this. I don't want your baby! I don't want it growing in me!" I yelled back at him.

He suddenly stiffened. "What did you say?"

I looked at him in fear as I realised he understood everything.

"This is what your friend was worried about, she wasn't scared you were going to give it up she was scared of you doing something else."

I looked away from him, I didn't know how to explain what I had been thinking without angering him.

"What were you going to do?" He asked slowly.

I shook my head not wanting to speak.

His large warm hand gripped my chin tightly and he tilted my face upwards. "Answer me. What were you going to do?"

I didn't look away from his darkened eyes as I whispered. "I was going to have an abortion."

He let go of my chin as soon as I uttered those words and punched one of the wooden cabinets, shattering it. He let out a growl before he punched another one.

I watched in both awe and fear for a minute as he started to trash the kitchen. Snapping out of it I began to call him but he ignored me.

"I was thinking of it, but I swear if was only for a few minutes. I knew I could never kill the baby so I was just going to give it up to you or up for adoption. I wasn't going to actually go ahead with it, it was just something I thought of at the time." I tried to explain as he began breaking the dishes.

"Please stop. I know that should have never crossed my thoughts and I'm sorry!"

"Gabriel I said I'm sorry. I'm sorry for considering it! I'm really sorry!" I screamed as loudly as I could but he continued to ignore me.

I reached over to the sink and picked up a mug knowing what I was about to do could probably piss him off even more. I threw the mug at his back with as much force as I could. He stopped what he was doing and turned to face me.

"I'm sorry for throwing a mug at you but you need to calm down." I said softly, slowly backing away as he started coming closer to me.


"I know, the baby is yours too." I muttered quickly still backing away from him.

"Mine." He repeated this time growling as he said it.

I felt my back hit the wall and I watched as Gabriel came closer. He stopped until he was inches away from me. I moved to the side to create more distance between us but he put his arm out blocking my way from both sides.

I gasped when I saw his eyes change colour. I was used to seeing it darken at time but this was something else. His eyes began to look more golden than black or hazel.

"W-what are y-you doing?" I stuttered as his face closer. One of his hands brushed my hair back leaving the side of my neck bare.

"Gabriel?" I whispered as his eyes became completely golden.

He leaned towards me until I could feel his warm breath on my neck and seconds later I felt his teeth skim over the side of my neck.

"You're mine."


The Wolf Babyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن