The juicey part

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A/n its about to get super juicey

A few days later after me and Brandon were hanging out i went home

it was a normal day in the afternoon.I was sitting in my room on my bed. I was on my phone Looking on social media and listening to music. I was getting a bit tired so I layed down still listening to music. I was slowly drifting to sleep when my phone buzzed.I ignored it considering I was trying yo get rest.Then it buzzed a couple more times. Then it buzzed again. I finally looked and I got 5 text messages


Thing 2😂:
Hey can we talk its important

talk to me when you get a chance its kind of important

Thing 2😂:
Text me when ur free to talk

If ur taking a nap I'm going to kill you
So I reply to both with a "hi" and a "yes what is it"
I set my phone down and continued my music and heard buzz

Then.... It happened.

The moment I dreaded most

The two texts I was hoping would never pop up

But first let's go back to the flashback I mentioned in the beggining

A/n how we you guys liking it so far, its ending soon so I can start book 2.

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