"Thank you." Hayden shrugged.

"I only want the best for my mom." Lori rolled her eyes but smiled happily.

"Oh shut up."

"You'd be worse if you didn't think Blair took enough care of me."

"Yes, but I am very thankful that she does. You're a complicated kid." Hayden scrunched up her eyes.

"I'm a grown woman thank you!" Lori raised her eyebrow.

"If I didn't know you I wouldn't think so." She said glancing down at Hayden's chest. Hayden frowned deeply and clutched her small boobs.

"I like this size and I am very confident with them. I think Blair likes them, don't you baby? At least I think you said you do." She muttered quietly to herself, looking up in thought, still clutching her chest. We all laughed at her and she rolled her eyes. "You totally dig them." She winked at me with a smirk and I rolled my eyes at her but laughed.

"Yep." I kissed her cheek softly and she grinned widely.

"Anyway, so Emma everyone else is finding loaves," I sighed and put my head in my hands. "you got anybody in mind?" Emma laughed at her.

"No I haven't seen much bread around lately." We laughed and Hayden rolled her eyes.

"You're avoiding the question." Hayden sung.

"Yeah, I've got a prospect in mind. I don't know for sure about her though." She said with a sly smile, never even glancing at Lori. Lori on the other hand whipped her head around and frowned at her.

She opened her mouth then glared and squinted her eyes at Emma.

"Lori, you good there?" Hayden asked her. Hayden's messing with them too much, I'm sure she's going to tell. Emma looked up at me with a weird look. Almost a knowing look.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." Hayden shook her head at her.

"You know, Lori I know you're used to being my mom but you can't be everyone's mom. Emma here might just want to be sure about her girl, calm down. I didn't know you and Emma were so close." Lori's eyes widened.

"I-I well... Maybe I-" Emma shook her head, looking slightly amused. She stood up and walked over by Lori.

"That's enough, you're going to give her a heart attack." Emma said. Lori backed away from her, her eyes wide.

"W-what're you doing?"

"Yes Emma, what are you doing?" I shook my head at them.

"Cut the bullshit Hayden." She turned to Lori. "Lor, it's okay. They already know." Lori looked at us surprised and we nodded. Hayden grinned. Lori's mouth dropped.

"B-but how?"

"I have a feeling Blair saw us earlier." Emma said squinting her eyes at me. I blushed and she nodded. "Yep." Hayden grinned even more and laughed to herself. Lori frowned at Hayden.

"You're an asshole, you know?" She shrugged.

"I don't know why you'd think I'd care about you and Emma." Emma put her arm around Lori and Lori smiled at her. Then she looked back at Hayden.

"I don't know. You dated her, for a long time. It's just... it seemed awkward."

"No offense, but I also lied and cheated on her... for a loong time." She said stretching out the long. "Emma and I had a weird relationship." Emma nodded, but rolled her eyes. I now wondered if Emma was actually committed to their relationship or if she was hurt every time Hayden cheated on her. Technically I was one of those people who she cheated with. How can Emma still be okay with that?

"Yeah that is true. Well, I guess it's good that you know. We'd started dating sometime when you were in the hospital."

"That's cool. I like this relationship. Ship name! Uhh...Emri! I'm such a genius aren't I babe?" Hayden said looking up at me with a grin. I laughed, she was so cute, I kissed her quickly.

"Yes you are." She smiled even wider and they shook their head at us.

"So, Emri, when do you plan to come out to the world?" They looked at each other and Lori shrugged.

"I know how Lori is with dating, it takes a while and I under-" Emma started but Lori shushed her.

"I think I'm ready. I'm pretty confident about you being a good one." Emma smiled widely at her and they kissed.

"Eww!" Hayden whined and I hit the back of her head. "Mommy's kissing a weird woman!" I frowned at her and so did they. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Have fun kids, I'm just hungry." I rolled my eyes at her but laughed.

"Oh shut up I think the food's finally done." Lori told her, taking a pan out of the oven. Hayden sighed in content.

"That smells amazing. Wow Lori you really are a mom! Emma, I think you've got a keeper here." I plucked her head and she rubbed it, frowning. "What?" She asked me looking at me like I was the crazy one. "You keep abusing me."

"You keep saying things that don't need to be said." Lori and Emma nodded.

"If I could hit you myself, I would, but I'm too far away." Lori commented.

"My jokes are hilarious!"

"Yeah to you." Lori replied. Well, I thought they were funny too, but not to say out loud. Maybe if it was just the two of us and she said it.

Lori began making plates and I walked over.

"Here, I'll make Hayden's along with mine." I told her. She nodded and fixed her and Emma a plate before leaving to the living room to eat. I fixed the plates and Hayden sat behind me humming to herself. "Hey Hayd?" I called.

"Yeah baby?" I couldn't help but smile.

"When you cheated on Emma throughout those times, did she know? Like was she still committed or did she care?" It was quiet and I turned and looked at her. She was looking up in thought.

"Well, for a while, she was actually hurt about it. Then she kinda got used to it and didn't really care. I think she may have done her own thing a few times. I began to get better, and I was actually going to stop cheating right before that night you and I ran into each other. I planned to try to be with her, but I guess someone or something wanted you and I together instead. I couldn't stay away from you after that night. Something just kept telling me to go for it. Whatever it was... I'm forever thankful. I couldn't have gotten more lucky." She stared at me, smiling, and I blushed. I don't know why, maybe it was the way she stared at me. Like I was magical or something.

I put the plates down and walked over to her, kissing her forcefully. She hummed and held my waist tightly. She then brought her hand up to my cheek, holding it gently, rubbing her thumb across it.

"I love you." I told her. She smiled, her eyes shining.

"I love you too." She pecked my lips then squeezed my butt. "But damn baby is that all I have to say to get some of that ass?" I groaned and pushed away from her.

"You're such an asshole." I went back and got our plates before walking back towards her to go to the living room. She stood on her crutches and smiled sweetly. The demon.

"I was just kidding B. You know I love you. I meant every word I said." She kissed me quickly. "Alright, enough talking, I'm hungry! Let's go." I shook my head at her and we went to the living room.

I know, sometimes it seems like I could just strangle her. But really, I love those moments. I like that we can joke around with each other. At least I know she means it when she tells me those sappy things. That's all that matters.

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