The 411

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Louis leads Liam back into the elevator so they can find a more private place to talk. Liam doesn't say a single word to Louis in the elevator, which irks him even more in this situation.

"So, what exactly do we need to discuss?" Louis asks, slightly disinterested. The elevator stops, and the two men step out cautiously.

"Harry," says Liam quite tersely. Louis gulps nervously a little bit before he continues to walk ahead of Liam.

As Liam follows behind Louis, a not so happy look on his face, waves of students in the halls begin to gossip. Louis ignores their stares and violent whispers, continuing to guide Liam to one of the school's courtyards. Hopefully  at least one will be empty, many students have classes Wednesday than any other day in the week.

After fifteen or so minutes, Louis manages to find an empty courtyard. He pushes the doors open with hands that are slightly shaky, Liam so close behind him that Louis nearly shouts out for personal space. Louis locks the courtyard door, and motions for Liam to follow him to one of the stone tables. They sit, Liam staring Louis down.

Louis clears his throat and speaks, "Liam, please get on with this important conversation?"

"You and Harry can't become involved with each other." Liam informs blatantly.

"Damn," Louis thinks, an instant frown on his face. "Didn't expect that..."

Liam sighs at the look of disappointment and confusion in Louis' eyes. "Let me give you the 411, Louis." Liam says, adjusting his right suit cuff. "The media can not know that Harry is gay. Believe it or not, but it would ruin his reputation. Sales would decline, award opportunities would be lost, so on and so forth... I understand that you two are starting to form something, but I personally ask you, for the sake of Harry's career, to not engage in any type of relationship with him. Preferably not even a simple friendship either."

Louis stares blankly at Liam, gripping tightly on his dance bag. "And if I don't do what you so politely ask of me?"

Liam fixes his posture and demeanor, making Louis once again feel small. This man isn't much older than Louis, yet here he is looking all business like and full of power.

"Then you leave me no choice but to enroll into S.A. myself to ensure that you and Harry don't form any type of relationship." Liam reveals, and Louis wants to scream.

What kind of shit is this?! Harry is 21, for Christ's sake! To Louis that's more than old enough to make his own decisions.

"Don't you think that's just a bit fucking ridiculous, mate?" Louis snaps, causing Liam to scoff.

"I'm actually going pretty easy on you," says Liam, a small smirk appearing.

Louis scrunches his eyebrows. "And how exactly do you think that?"

"By deciding not to give Harry a beard instead, but honestly, your attitude is tempting me to."

Louis falters at Liam's statement, but then his smart mouth opens again. "Go ahead," Louis shrugs, getting up from the table. "That won't stop Harry and I from fucking each other senselessly," laughs Louis, causing Liam to form a perplexed look on his face.

"You've surely got some nerve, Louis Tomlinson," speaks Liam incredulously, rising up from the table slowly.

Louis stands his ground, not backing down from this quandary Liam has created. "How is it so wrong for Harry to gay when you and Headmaster Horan probably have been fucking and sucking faces together ever since you two met? How hypocritical of you, Liam Payne. I bet you wanna get fucked on Headmaster's desk like his little bitch."

Liam's face turns red, and Louis smiles triumphantly, knowing that he just hit a nerve. But Louis' smile falters when Liam's​ eyes turn dark, and he takes off his suit jacket. Liam stalks toward Louis, and the lad throws down his dance bag before he screams and hits an Olympic sprint around the massive courtyard.

"Get back here, you twat!" Liam bellows, chasing after Louis.

People passing by the courtyard doors begin to stop. They watch the scene before them, shouting and recording the whole thing as of it's some world championship fight. An abundance of phones are in the air, taking pictures and videos. The crowd gets bigger, and some people start to livestream.

"Louis' about to get his ass beat!" one guy in the crowd laughs, his phone being one of the ones capturing the debacle live.

Liam finally captures Louis, yanking him up by his shirt. Louis struggles, shouting loudly. Far down the hall, Harry is walking alone, having just finished his conversation with Niall in his office. He furrows his eyebrows at the loud growing crowd. Harry walks swiftly to join the crowd, and he shoves his way through.

Styles Academy ¬ Larry *Solo Harry, Schoolboy Louis* #Wattys2017Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz