Second Thoughts

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Liam got his side of punishment for the whole debacle that is currently breaking the internet, and of course Louis is dealing with the backlash of his actions.

"I know it's kinda been a while, but I still can't even believe Louis punched the Liam Payne in his face." says a girl to her friend as Louis passes by.

Louis sighs, wishing he didn't have to hear about it anymore. Headmaster Horan has given him enough shit to deal with and worry about, all ranging from taking away Louis' meal card, revoking his student parking license for an entire month, and setting Louis on a dorm curfew. If he leaves his room after 10 pm, Mr. Horan makes him attend ' the alternates.'

What exactly are the alternates?

Well, they're classes where the curriculum excludes all mentions of Harry.

Mr. Horan justifies his harsh actions toward Louis by saying, "If it's an action Harry wouldn't do, then it's an action S.A. doesn't tolerate. We are a school of nonviolence, Louis"

Louis rolls his eyes at the remembrance of that conversation with the headmaster. Of fucking course he went overboard with punishment, just because he and Liam clearly are screwing eachother. Louis' flirting and messing with the Headmaster's mind didn't work like it usually does. Louis feels kinda dirty that he even attempted it, because Harry really didn't want him to keep doing that anymore.


Louis adjusts his backpack with a sigh, heading into the grand performance hallway. Louis is still utterly embarrassed by what happened, but he's tired of not talking to his idol.

"I should apologize by doing something special for him." Louis mumbles, entering the large theatre.

Louis is studying for a major in performing arts, and a minor in music composition. He's always had a strong love for all aspects of performance and music. His dream is to perform on Broadway, but as soon as Harry became Louis' idol, Louis had a second dream of being a singer songwriter.

"Mr. Tomlinson!" shouts the professor, his voice cheering Louis up a little. "Nice to see you attending my lesson today."

"Thanks, Professor Sangster," Louis says with a small smile. "I have a question before we start."

All eyes are on Louis, wondering what he has to say. "Fire away, boyo!" the professor says with a grandiose tone, lifting his right arm up dramatically.

The class laughs, always enjoying when their professor jokes about and shows out. He's not nearly as serious nor professional as most of the other professors, but S.A.'s students admire that.

"I was wondering if we could put on a mini performance for Harry tonight?" Louis asks his professor. "You know, in honor of him attending S.A," adds the lad, not wanting to explain the real intent behind all this.

Professor Sangster changes his stance on the stage to one full of thought. All of Louis' peers seem to be down with the idea, their excited whispers with eachother giving them away. Suddenly, the professor claps his hands together and rubs them, grinning as he speaks.

"Let's plan Harry a show, guys."


At Solar Records, Harry informs Zayn about his new job. At first Zayn is hesitant as to whether or not he'd be a well fit in replacement of Liam, but after Harry offered him a big fat bonus, the lad was more than willing.

"Thank you for considering me, Harry." Zayn says, walking towards Liam's old office. "I'll do the job justice."

With that, Harry leaves Zayn to clean out Liam's office. If he wasn't late for class, he'd surely have helped. Harry leaves the building with a bodyguard to escort him around S.A. today. He's just not in the mood to be mobbed.

It's been a while now that Harry has attended the school, and one would think that his own fans would respect him and not tackle him and mob him inbetween classes.

After a fifteen minutes drive, Harry and his bodyguard Paul arrived to S.A. With Paul present, Harry's fans avoid doing their usual. Paul is allowed the right to attend each lesson on Harry's schedule, protecting the lad at all costs.

Once Harry finished all his lessons for the day, he heads to his dorm to get some rest. Before he dozes off, he can't help but to think "Do I really want to continue attending this college?"

Harry's not gonna lie, part of him only wanted to be enrolled as some joke, and simply to cause a ruckus. But then there was the other part.

The part that feels as if this place is where he needs to be.

Harry huffs loudly, plopping himself down on his bed, his hands gripping his hair. He wants to talk this out with someone. Because even though one part of him wants to stay here, the more practical part of himself is telling him to go.

The wishful and hopeful part of Harry's mind brings up Louis, of course.

If he leaves the academy, then he will surely miss out on trying to form something with Louis.

I feel like my writing is crap. 😂😭 But I will not give up on this story. Those of you reading and enjoying, thank you. My sincerest apologies for the chapters that are boring. I promise I'll finish this fic with a bang.

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