Should've Left The Door Unlocked

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Harry gasps in shock at the sight of his manager Liam holding a struggling Louis up in the air.

"Why is no one doing a damn thing?!" Harry yells at the crowd, trying to shove open the courtyard doors.

The crowd gets even more rowdy once they realized just who was in the middle. Excited screams of girls, and shouts from the guys sounded all around Harry. Numerous pairs of hands pull and tugged Harry in all directions, leaving him with no choice but to shout for help himself. Shutter sounds and flashes go off all over the place, and the seemingly never ending crowd continues to grow.

In the courtyard, Liam shouts at Louis and tosses him down hard to the ground. Louis shouts out in pain, catching the sight of Harry going through much worse in the hallway. Louis and Harry meet eyes, both holding the same emotion of fear. Harry's hair gets yanked back harshly, causing him to wince in pulsing misery.

Louis attempts to get up from the ground, but Liam shoves him right back down. Harry swears he sees slight tears in Louis' eyes, and he fights harder against the crowd. They won't budge, there's way too many of them. Harry grows frustrated with being unable to get to Louis, and he closes his eyes tightly, trying to trap his tears and stay strong.

To say all of this is unexpected is an understatement. This is unexpected as well as utterly unacceptable. Where is the school's security? Resource officers? The headmaster?! Where are the authoritative figures when you need them?

Who would've thought young adults could be as wild like this as highschool teenagers?!

Harry opens his eyes just in time to see Liam about to punch Louis in his perfect face. He shouts louder than he  ever has before.

"LIAM! YOU TOUCH HIM AGAIN AND I SWEAR TO HAVE YOUR ASS FIRED!!" Harry bellows, causing the mob around him to quiet, and Liam to freeze af if he's just realized what he was doing.

Louis' chest is heaving up and down, and he's not only pissed severely, he's embarrassed completely. He shoves up his sleeves, and with all the strength he can muster, he jumps up from the ground and punches Liam by surprise square in the center of his face. The sound of a loud crack sounds throughout the courtyard, and Liam shouts out in pain.

Harry's mouth is wide open in shock, and he's unable to move.

"Fuck you, Liam." Louis spits out, his entire face looking fierce from his anger. It's a bit of a scary sight to see.

Louis watches Liam as he stays on the ground, his nose bleeding onto his suit. Louis retrieves his dance bag, and stomps to the door. He unlocks it swiftly, shoves past Harry as if he isn't even there, and wildly shoves his way through the crowd as he curses at them.

Harry doesn't know whether to help his manager, or to run after Louis.

So instead, a shaken up Harry simply dismisses himself from the diminishing crowd, and walks himself towards one of the elevators.

"What have I caused...?" Harry thinks to himself, breathing a shaky sigh as he steps onto the elevator. He presses the button for the first floor, and is relieved to only see a few people around.

Harry steps off of the elevator, and walks to the front doors of the academy.

Styles Academy ¬ Larry *Solo Harry, Schoolboy Louis* #Wattys2017Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu